Prime Time 4, Coursebook
9 to feel guilty !gIlti? Do you feel guilty about watching too much? sich schuldig fühlen, ein schlechtes Gewissen haben rarely !*reEli? We rarely watch TV together. selten screen time !*skri"n taIm? How much screen time do US teenagers have on average? Zeit, die man vor Bildschirmen verbringt majority !mE*dZOrEti? The majority of US teenagers prefer streaming services to live TV. Mehrheit (die) 10 to count for sth. !kaUnt? Each person counts for 10 percent. etw. wert sein fixed !fIkst? Offer some fixed answers to choose from. fest minority !maI*nOrEti? The minority of students owns a TV set. Minderheit (die) 11 shop window !*SOp wIndEU? She used to watch TV in shop windows . Schaufenster (das), Auslage (die) to form sth. !fC"m? Form sentences about what people used to do. etw. bilden, etw. formen 12 to mention sth. !*menSn? He mentioned the most important information. etw. erwähnen Blogs 1 eco-friendly !*i"kEU frendli? I’m trying to travel in an eco-friendly way. umweltfreundlich text-based !*tekst beIst? I have a simple text-based blog. textbasiert 2 in general !In *dZenrl? This article is about blogs in general . allgemein, generell to be all about sth. !C"l E*baUt? This week’s blog is all about blogs in general. um etw. gehen to get to the point !DE *pCInt? But let’s get back to the point . auf den Punkt kommen so-called !*sEUkC"ld? Blogs are written by so-called “bloggers”. so genannt blogger !*blOgE? Bloggers write blog posts on the internet. Blogger (der), Bloggerin (die) private !praIvIt? You can keep your blog private . privat to deal with sth. !di"l? Blogs deal with all kinds of topics. etw. behandeln to be fond of sth. !fOnd? We are so fond of our ideas that we want to share them. etw. gerne mögen element !*elImEnt? A blog post can include different elements . Element (das) bullet point !*bUlIt pCInt? You can also use bullet-points in your blog. Aufzählungspunkt (der) content !*kOntent? Blogs can include a great variety of content . Inhalt (der) heading !*hedIN? A blog post can include elements such as texts, videos, pictures or headings . Überschrift (die) basically !*beIsIkli? You basically post anything you’d like to share. im Grunde to feel free to do sth. !fi"l *fri"? Thanks for reading my blog, and feel free to comment. sich keinen Zwang antun, etw. ruhig tun to stay tuned !steI tju"nd? Please stay tuned for more. an etw. dranbleiben to keep on doing sth. !ki"p On *du"IN? Keep on reading my blogs. etw. weiterhin tun successful !sEk*sesfl? What should a successful blogger do? erfolgreich focus !*fEUkEs? Find your focus and your interests. Fokus (der), Blickpunkt (der) to set a goal !set E *gEUl? It helps if you set yourself some goals . ein Ziel setzen unrealistic !0nrIE*lIstIk? People often set unrealistic goals. unrealistisch social networking site !*netw3"kIN? Post to social networking sites . soziales Online-Netzwerk on a regular basis !regjElE *beIsIs? Write blog posts on a regular basis . regelmäßig 3 paragraph !*pxrEgrA"f? Read the paragraphs below. Absatz (der) Unit 6 160 Vocabulary one hundred and sixty Nur zu Prüfzw cken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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