Prime Time 4, Coursebook

horizontal !hOrI*zOntl? He showed images with 60 horizontal lines. horizontal, waagrecht widely !waIdli? In the 1950s, colour TVs became widely available. weitgehend household item !haUshEUld *aItEm? The television became a popular household item . Haushaltsgegenstand (der) remote control !rImEUt kEn*trEUl? In 1956, the remote control was invented. Fernbedienung (die) 3 recording device/machine !rIkC"dIN dI*vaIs? The next step in development was a recording device . Aufnahmegerät (das) DVD player !di"vi"*di" pleIE? The DVD player was the first recording machine. DVD-Player (der) copy !*kOpi? VCR stands for Video Copy Recorder. Kopie (die) recorder !rIkC"dE? Few people have video recorders nowadays. Aufnahmegerät (das), Rekorder (der) latest !leItIst? The latest inventions in television include … letzte, neueste streaming service !*stri"mIN s3"vIs? … the change to streaming services such as Netflix or YouTube. Streaming-Dienst (der) 4 quote !kwEUt? Read the following quote by Philo Farnsworth. Zitat (das) misunderstanding !mIs0ndE*stxndIN? He believed that there wouldn’t be any misunderstandings . Missverständnis to connect sb. !kE*nekt? He thought that television would connect mankind. jmdn. miteinander verbinden according to sb./sth. !E*kC"dIN tU? According to Farnsworth, television would produce more wars. jmdm./etw. zufolge, laut jmdm./etw. prediction !prI*dIkSn? His predictions didn’t come true. Vorhersage (die) 5 sb. used to do sth. !ju"st tE *du"? She used to watch TV in a neighbour’s living room. jmd. hat früher (immer) etw. getan to broadcast sth. – broad­ cast – broadcast !*brC"dkA"st? A special children’s programme was broadcast on Sundays. etw. ausstrahlen, etw. senden single part !sINgl *pA"t? The story is divided into several single parts . Einzelteil (das) totally !*tEUtli? For me it was totally different. völlig, total 6 the news (= singular) !nju"z? We used to watch the news on television. die Nachrichten to smoke !smEUk? He used to smoke when he was younger. rauchen 7 guiding question !*gaIdIN kwestSEn? Use some of these guiding questions for your interview. Leitfrage (die) 8 live TV !laIv ti"*vi"? We used to watch live TV but now we mainly use streaming services. hier: Fernsehen im traditionellen Sinn recently !*ri"sntli? You have recently published an article. kürzlich, vor Kurzem to publish sth. !*p0blIS? Dr Rayburn published an article about the change in watching habits. etw. veröffentlichen, etw. herausgeben habit !*hxbIt? There have been great changes in watching habits . Gewohnheit (die) no longer !nEU *lONgE? People no longer sit in front of the TV set. nicht mehr old-fashioned !EUld *fxSnd? TV sets are quite old-fashioned now. altmodisch viewer !vju"E? Viewers watch TV on their own more and more. Zuschauer (der), Zuschauerin (die) to wait around (for sth.) !weIt E*raUnd? Viewers don’t want to wait around for their favourite programmes anymore. (auf etw.) warten frequently !*fri"kwntli? They use streaming services more frequently than ever before. häufig decade !*dekeId? A decade ago she still had cable TV. Jahrzehnt (das), Dekade (die) cable TV !*keIbl ti"vi"? I don’t have cable TV in my house. Kabelfernsehen (das) to stream sth. !stri"m? I stream TV shows on my computer. etw. streamen 159 one hundred and fifty-nine Nur zu Prüfzwec en – Eigentum des Verlags öbv