Prime Time 4, Coursebook

to deal with sth. !di"l? What do you do to deal with stress? mit etw. umgehen 8 Antarctica !xn*tA"ktIkE? Have you ever been to Antarctica ? Antarktis (die) the northern Arctic !*A"ktIk? Polar bears live in the northern Arctic . nördliche Arktis (die) to be open for/to sb. !*EUpn? Both extreme places are now open for you to explore. jmdm. offenstehen penguin !**peNgwIn? They explained everything about the penguins . Pinguin (der) whale !weIl? We saw a whale near our boat today. Wal (der) polar bear !pEUlE *beE? Climate change is especially hard for polar bears . Eisbär (der) to travel back in time !trxvl bxk In *taIm? Travel back in time by discovering ancient cultures. in die Vergangenheit reisen temple !*templ? Explore famous sights such as temples . Tempel (der) trek !trek? Only very fit people can do this trek . Trekkingtour (die) trail !treIl? We did the Pacific Crest Trail last year. Weg (der), Pfad (der) lion !*laIEn? Watch the lions on a safari in Africa. Löwe (der) Africa !*xfrIkE? Have you ever been to Africa ? Afrika (das) tiger !taIgE? We want to look for tigers in India. Tiger (der) shark diving !*SA"k daIvIN? You can do shark diving in Australia. Haitauchen (das) to log out !lOg *aUt? To relax, you should log out of social media. sich ausloggen, sich abmelden meditation !medI*teISn? Meditation will help you relax. Meditation (die) yoga !jEUgE? Try our yoga workshop. Yoga (das) 9 to check in/into !tSek *In? Joshua has checked in to the RelaXation camp. bei etw. einchecken camp !kxmp? How do you like the camp ? Camp (das), (Zelt)lager (das) stay !steI? Wish him a nice stay . Aufenthalt (der) Television and streaming 1 statement !*steItmEnt? Match the statements with the fitting picture. Aussage (die) historic moment !hIstOrIk? Which historic moments did you watch on TV? historischer Moment (der) 2 unlike !0n*laIk? Unlike many other inventions, the TV had many inventors. anders als, im Gegensatz zu invention !In*venSn? The world changed after the invention of TV. Erfindung (die) mankind !mxn*kaInd? What is the greatest invention of mankind ? Menschheit (die) television set !*telIvIZn set? The first television sets were very expensive. Fernsehgerät (das) to be associated with sth. !E*sEUsieItId? Five men are associated with the invention of TV. mit etw. in Zusammenhang stehen rotating disk !rEUteItIN *dIsk? Nipkow invented the first rotating disk . rotierende Scheibe (die) wire !*waIE? He was able to send pictures over wire . Draht (der), Leitung (die) to televise sth. !*telIvaIz? The first moving pictures were televised in 1924. etw. im Fernsehen übertragen colour picture tube !*k0lE pIktSe tju"b? John Baird invented the first colour picture tube . Farbbildröhre (die) mechanical !mE*kxnIkl? Charles Jenkins invented a mechanical television. mechanisch television station !*telIvIZn steISn? He created the first television station in North America. Fernsehsender (der) electronic device !elektrOnik dI*vaIs? Television systems are electronic devices . elektronisches Gerät (das) farmboy !*fA"mbCI? Philo Farnsworth was a farmboy from America. Bauernjunge (der) Unit 5 158 Vocabulary one hundred and fifty-eight Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum s Verlags öbv