Prime Time 4, Coursebook

suggestion !sE*dZestSn? May I make a suggestion ? Vorschlag (der) order !*C"dE? You can’t give me orders ! Befehl (der) 3 over the top !EUvE DE *tOp? I think he’s gone a bit over the top . übertrieben slogan !*slEUgEn? Our slogan is “going to the limit”. Slogan (der) boss !bOs? The writer is Joshua’s boss . Chef (der), Chefin (die) to fire sb. !*faIE? Alsana wants to fire Joshua. jmdn. feuern unimportant !0nIm*pC"tnt? Her notes include unimportant details. unwichtig 4 balance !*bxlns? How is your balance of work and private life? Gleichgewicht (das), Balance (die) work-life balance !w3klaIf *bxlns? You need to find a healthy work-life balance . Vereinbarkeit von Berufs- und Privatleben water skiing !wCtE ski"IN? Water skiing might help you relax. Wasserskifahren (das) tightrope walking !*taItrEUp? You need a good balance for tightrope walking . Seiltanz (der) jet skiing !*dZet ski"IN? I tried jet skiing last summer, it was amazing! Wassermotorradfahren (das) stressed !strest? She asks Joshua if he’s stressed . gestresst to reach your limits !ri"tS jE *lImIts? I reach my limits each day. an seine Grenzen stoßen to keep sth. for last !ki"p fE *lA"st? He always keeps the hardest part for last . etw. für den Schluss aufheben 5 to explore one’s limits !Ik*splC"? People explore their limits when they do extreme sports. seine eigenen Grenzen erforschen underwater !0ndE*wC"tE? I would never do an underwater sport. Unterwasser- archaeologist !A"kI*OlEdZIst? My friend is an underwater archaeologist . Archäologe (der), Archäologin (die) college professor !kOlIdZ prE*fesE? My neighbour is a college professor . Universitätsprofessor (der), Universitätsprofessorin (die) sports teacher !*spC"ts ti"tSE? We have a new sports teacher . Sportlehrer (der), Sportlehrerin (die) historian !hI*stC"rIEn? We have asked a historian about it. Historiker (der), Historikerin (die) the (ancient) Maya !maIE? When did the ancient Maya live? die (alten) Mayas ancient culture !eInSnt *k0ltSE? What do you know about ancient cultures ? antike Kultur (die) 6 chocoholic !tSOkE*hOlIk? I am such a chocoholic , I just ate a whole chocolate bar! Schokosüchtiger (der), Schokosüchtige (die) shopaholic !SOpE*hOlIk? She goes shopping so often, she could be a shopaholic . Einkaufssüchtiger (der), Einkaufssüchtige (die) workaholic !w3"kE*hOlIk? Workaholics are stressed and exhausted all the time. Arbeitssüchtiger (der), Arbeitssüchtige (die) health helpline !h*helT helplaIn? Simon works for a health helpline . Gesundheitsberatungsstelle (die) caller !*kC"lE? Grace asked the caller some questions. Anrufer (der); Anruferin (die) instead !In*sted? Do you want to try healthy snacks instead ? stattdessen before !bI*fC"? Have you felt exhausted at the weekend before ? hier: schon einmal lately !*leItli? I’ve not been feeling so great lately . in letzter Zeit stress !stres? Find out how stress can change your life. Stress (der) 7 infographic !InfEU*grxfIk? Fill in the gaps in the infographic . Informationsgrafik (die) rest !rest? Teens with less stress usually get more rest . hier: Erholung (die) grade !GreId? My grades are better than yours. Note (die) at the moment !Et DE *mEUmEnt? How much sleep are you getting at the moment ? im Moment, momentan to act !xkt? How do you act in class when you’re stressed? hier: sich verhalten 157 one hundred and fifty-seven Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verla s öbv