Prime Time 4, Coursebook
while !waIl? While the robot is working, we can relax. während housework !haUsw3"k? The robot is doing our housework . Hausarbeit (die) on the other hand, … !On Di" *0DE hand? On the other hand , AI can take away people’s jobs. andererseits, … however !haU*evE? However , robots are not without problems. allerdings, jedoch to take away sth. !teIk E*weI? AI can actually take away people’s jobs. etw. wegnehmen call centre worker !*kC"l sentE w3"kE? What do call centre workers do if their jobs are taken by computers? Telefonberater (der), Telefonberaterin (die) taxi driver !*txksi draIvE? Taxi drivers might lose their jobs. Taxifahrer (der), Taxifahrerin (die) to work out sth. !w3"k *aUt? We are working out if this will happen again. etw. herausfinden; etw. berechnen apart from sth. !E*pA"t frEm? Apart from these, there are many jobs that AI can’t do. abgesehen von etw. the military !*mIlItri? Humans should keep jobs in the military . das Militär to trust sb. to do sth. !tr0st? What types of jobs would you trust AI to do ? jmdm. etw. zutrauen 8 privacy !*prIvEsi? It’s important that we take care of our privacy . Privatsphäre (die), Privatleben (das) data !*deItE? AI needs a lot of data to work. Daten (die) column !*kOlEm? Take a word from column 1 and a word from … hier: Spalte (die) to update !*0pdeIt? Update the security settings of your smartphone. aktualisieren security settings !sI*kjUErEti setIN? You should regularly update the security settings . Sicherheitseinstellungen (die) 9 smoke !smEUk? I can see smoke coming out of a room. Rauch (der) to sound an alarm !saUnd En E*lA"m? You should sound a fire alarm . einen Alarm auslösen fire alarm !*faIEr ElA"m? Can you hear the fire alarm ? Feueralarm (der) to operate !O*pEreIt? She knows how to operate the fire alarm. hier: etw. bedienen to programme !*prEUgrxm? She knows how to programme the machine. programmieren programmer !*prEUgrxmE? The programmers wrote the computer software. Programmierer/-in (der/die) error message !*erE mesIdZ? The computer showed an error message . Fehlermeldung (die) AI-systems !eI*aI sIstEmz? AI-systems need humans to tell them what to do. KI-System (das) Going to the limit limit !*lImIt? You have to know your own limits . Grenze (die), Limit (das) to go to the limit !gEU tE DE *lImIt She likes going to the limit . ans Limit gehen 1 adventure freak !Ed*ventSE fri"k? Are you an adventure freak ? Abenteuerfanatiker (der), Abenteuerfanatikerin (die) adrenaline junkie !E*drEnElIn? Extreme sports are for adrenaline junkies ? Adrenalinjunkie (der) speed !spi"d? Do you like speed ? (hohe) Geschwindigkeit (die) heights !haIts? I don’t really like heights . Höhen (die) previous !*pri"vIEs? Click here to see the previous page. vorig, vorhergehend extreme sports !ik*stri"m? What you know about extreme sports ? Extremsport (der) high up !haI *0p? A sport you can do high up is paragliding. hoch oben tree top climbing !*tri" tOp klaImIN? Have you ever been tree top climbing ? „Klettern auf Baumwipfeln“ (im Hochseilgarten) aggressive in-line skating !EgresIv InlaIn *skeItIN? Agressive in-line skating can be dangerous. Freestyle-Skating (das), Aggressive-Skating (das) Unit 4 155 one hundred and fifty-five Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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