Prime Time 4, Coursebook

self-driving car !selfdraIvIN? Self-driving cars have problems. selbstfahrendes Auto (das) direct speech !daIrEkt *spi"tS? The sentences below are written in direct speech . direkte Rede (die) reported speech !rIpC"tId? Put the sentences into reported speech . indirekte Rede (die) to point out that … !pCInt *aUt Dxt? She pointed out that a robot could do things on its own. darauf hinweisen, dass … 3 to get sth. done !get s0mTIN d0n? The robot helps me to get things done more quickly. etw. erledigen 4 robotics !rEU*bOtIks? Ally talked to a robotics professor. Robotik (die) to fix a date !fIks E *deIt? We have to fix a date for our meeting. einen Termin festlegen conversation !kOnvE*seISn? Listen to the telephone conversation . Unterhaltung (die), Konversation (die) to be free !fri"? I am free on Monday morning. Zeit haben 5 sensor !*sensE? Sensors tell the robot where the walls are. Sensor (der) pleasure !*pleZE? It was a pleasure talking to you. Freude (die), Vergnügen (das) 6 generally speaking !*dZenrEli spi"kIN? Generally speaking , robotics professors design and build robots. im Allgemeinen, im Großen und Ganzen technology !tek*nOlEdZi? She works with the technology behind the robots. Technologie (die) computer software !kEm*pju"tE sOftweE? It needed a certain type of computer software . Computersoftware (die) complicated !*kOmplIkeItId? It sounds complicated , but it’s actually quite easy. kompliziert 7 to glitter !*glItE? All that glitters is not gold. glitzern, funkeln daily life !deIli *laIf? Artificial intelligence can help us in our daily lives . Alltag (der), tägliches Leben (das) a number of !E *n0mbEr Ev? But there are also a number of problems with AI. einige, etliche therefore !DeEfC"? The phone therefore always knows where you are. daher, deshalb suitable !*sju"tEbl? Find a suitable headline for each article. geeignet, passend to spy on sb. !spaI? Is your toy spying on you? jmdn. ausspionieren, jmdn. bespitzeln popular !*pOpjElE? What are the most popular apps? beliebt GPS-tracker !dZi"pi"*es trxkE? Your smartphone has a GPS-tracker . GPS-Tracker (der) exact !Ig*zxkt? It always knows your exact position. genau, exakt position !pE*zISn? Your smartphone knows your exact position . Standort (der), Position (die) server !*s3vE? The app uploads your data to a server . Server (der) navigation company !nxvI*geISn k0mpEni? The navigation company has a lot of information about you. Firma die Navigationssysteme herstellt (die) closed !klEUzd? It tells you which streets are closed . gesperrt, geschlossen at the moment !*mEUmEnt? Is this street closed at the moment ? momentan right now !raIt *naU? The app shows you where the most traffic is right now . im Augenblick off you go !Of jU *gEU? AI finds the quickest route, and off you go . los geht’s soft toy !*sOft tCI? Kids love a soft toy that really talks to them. Kuscheltier (das) problematic !prOblE*mxtIk? But such a toy is quite problematic . problematisch to connect sth. !kE*nekt? The toy is also connected to the internet. etw. verbinden WiFi !*waIfaI? It’s connected to the internet through WiFi . WLAN (das) whatever !wOt*evE? The soft toy records whatever you say. was, was auch immer response !rI*spOns? AI analyses the information and thinks of a response . Antwort (die) on the one hand, … !On DE *w0n hand? On the one hand , AI can make our lives easier. einerseits, … 154 Vocabulary one hundred and fifty-four Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv