Prime Time 4, Coursebook

to cover a period of time !k0vEr E pIErIEd? The museum covers a period of 5,000 years. eine Zeitspanne abdecken old-school !*EUldsku"l? It is an old-school amusement park. altmodisch, traditionell amusement park !E*mju"zmEnt? The amusement park is about an hour from Manhattan. Vergnügungspark (der) to connect sth. !kE*nekt? The bridge connects Manhattan and Brooklyn. etw. verbinden 7 block !blOk? How many blocks are between Soho and Tribeca? (Häuser)block (der) 8 relatively !*relEtIvli? The neighbourhood is relatively cheap. relativ, verhältnismäßig artistic !A"*tIstIk? It’s an artistic and multicultural neighbourhood. künstlerisch to dine out !daIn *aUt? Chinatown is a great place for dining out . auswärts essen 9 either …or !*aIDE? They either had to stay on the island or go back home. entweder … oder the authorities !C"*TOrEtiz? The authorities wanted to see if they could read and write. Behörden (die) belongings !bI*lONINz? They had their most important belongings with them. persönliche Sachen, Hab und Gut (das) greeting !gri"tIN? The Statue was like a first greeting from the New World. Begrüßung (die) to own sth. !EUn? They sold everything they owned to buy a ticket. etw. besitzen 10 to present sth. !prI*sent? I can present information to a group. präsentieren, zeigen Intelligent machines 1 machine !mE*Si"n? Machines can help us in many ways. Maschine (die) navigation app !nxvI*geISn xp? The navigation app showed us all the traffic jams. Navigationsapp (die/das) wedding !*wedIN? We went to my aunt’s wedding . Hochzeitsfeier (die) route !ru"t? The navigation app showed us the route . Route (die), Strecke (die) vacuum cleaning robot !*vxkju"m kli"nIN rEUbOt? My parents gave my aunt a vacuum cleaning robot as a wedding present. Staubsaugerroboter (der) such !s0tS? Such robots are very expensive. solcher, solche, solches brilliant !*brIljEnt? Some of these robots are brilliant . hier: hervorragend dustbin !*d0stbIn? The robot empties its own dustbin . Mistkübel (der), Staubbehälter (der) unbelievable !0nbI*li"vEbl? It’s unbelievable what machines can do. unglaublich to be around !bi" E*raUnd? There are so many intelligent machines around . da sein, existieren nowadays !*naUEdeIz? Nowadays everyone has a vacuum cleaning robot. heutzutage text message !*tekst mesIdZ? Phones can answer text messages on their own. Kurznachricht (die), SMS (die) size !saIz? The robot knows the size of the room. Größe (die) human !*hju"mEn? It’s important for humans to keep those jobs. Mensch (der) robot !*rEUbOt? Robots and machines can have a brain. Roboter (der) artificial intelligence (AI) !artIfISl In*telIdZns? What things is artificial intelligence good at? künstliche Intelligenz (die) 2 piano !pi*xnEU? Are robots able to play the piano ? Klavier (das) to play against sb. !E*genst? I would like to play chess against a computer. gegen jmdn. spielen patient !*peISnt? Doctors are better at talking to patients . Patient (der), Patientin (die) computer-generated !kEmpju"tE *dZenEreItid? What does Parker think about computer-­ generated music? computergeneriert driverless car !draIvEles *kA"? He would like to ride in a driverless car . fahrerloses Auto (das) Unit 3 153 one hundred and fifty-three Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv