Prime Time 4, Coursebook
definition !defI*nISn? Match the words with the definitions below. Definition (die) condition !kEn*dISn? The condition of being extremely poor is called poverty. Zustand (der) situation !sItju*EISn? Most immigrants were in a difficult situation . Situation (die) to recognise sth. !*rekEgnaIz? This famous building is easily recognised . etw. erkennen 3 to highlight sth. !*haIlaIt? Highlight the part that happened first. etw. hervorheben, markieren hopeful !*hEUpfl? The immigrants felt hopeful … hoffnungsvoll sight !saIt? … at the first sight of the Statue of Liberty. Anblick (der) 4 regarding sth. !rI*gA"dIN? Take notes regarding the dates. bezüglich, hinsichtlich date !deIt? Write down the dates mentioned by the guide. Datum (das) 5 immigration !ImI*greISn? Listen to Giuseppe’s personal immigration story. Einwanderung (die) Sicily !*sIsIli? Giuseppe was a young man from Sicily . Sizilien (das) pleasant !*pleznt? His life had not been very pleasant . angenehm, nett peasant !*peznt? He lived and worked as a peasant . Bauer (der), Bäuerin (die) transatlantic steamer !trxnsEtlxntIk *sti"mE? The family paid for a trip on a transatlantic steamer . Transatlantik-Dampfer (der) cabin !*kxbIn? Giuseppe and five others shared a cabin for two. Kabine (die) to shut up (coll.) !S0t *0p? They said: “ Shut up , you.” den Mund halten railing !reIlIN? He was often sick over the railing . Geländer (das), Reling (die) patiently !*peISntli? Giuseppe waited patiently . geduldig call !kC"l? We waited for the call to register. Aufruf (der), Ruf (der) to examine sb. !Ig*zxmIn? They were examined by doctors. jmdn. untersuchen to prove sth. !pru"v? He also proved that he could read and write. etw. beweisen without !wID*aUt? He did it without any fuss. ohne a lack of sth. !lxk? There was a great lack of workers. ein Mangel an etw. inspection !In*spekSn? Giuseppe passed all the inspections . Kontrolle (die), Inspektion (die) infections !In*fekSn? He proved he had no infections . hier: infektiöse Erkrankungen (die) gate !geIt? They walked through one of the gates . Tor (das), Schranke (die) to immigrate !*ImIgreIt? He wanted to immigrate to the United States. einwandern legally !*li"gEli? Giuseppe legally started his new life in the US. legal, rechtmäßig 6 bay !beI? There are many islands in Hudson Bay . Bucht (die) crowded !*kraUdId? Times Square is always busy and crowded . überfüllt, gedrängt square !skweE? It is a square famous for its many huge screens. hier: Platz (der) advertisement !Ed*v3"tIsmEnt? The screens show different advertisements . Werbung (die) train line !*treIn laIn? It was originally a train line through the city. Eisenbahnlinie (die) above ground !Eb0v *graUnd? The trains used to run above ground . oberirdisch once !w0ns? These trains once transported goods. einst, früher (einmal) to transport sth. !trxn*spC"t? Trains can transport goods and people. etw. transportieren goods !gUdz? Our goods are produced and sold locally. Güter (die) sunset !*s0nset? You can watch the sunset over the Hudson River. Sonnenuntergang (der) to divide sth. !dI*vaId? Central Park divides the Upper East Side from the Upper West Side. teilen, hier: trennen certainly !s3"tEnli? It is certainly the most famous gallery in the US. bestimmt, sicher gallery !gxlri? This is the most famous painting in the gallery . hier: Museum (das) to contain sth. !kEn*teIn? The gallery contains 2000 paintings and sculptures. etw. enthalten, etw. beinhalten 152 Vocabulary one hundred and fifty-two Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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