Prime Time 4, Coursebook

statue !stxtSu"? The statue stands in the middle of an island. Statue (die) skyscraper !*skaIskreIpE? New York has a lot of skyscrapers . Wolkenkratzer (der) 2 to establish sth. !I*stxblIS? The Netherlands established a colony in the US. etw. gründen, etw. errichten colony !*kOlEni? The colony was established near modern-day NY. Kolonie (die) to found sth. !faUnd? In 1624 they founded New Amsterdam. etw. gründen trading post !*treIdIN pEUst? New Amsterdam was a trading post . Handelsniederlassung (die) Dutch !d0tS? (sg. and pl.) The English fought the Dutch for their American colonies. Niederländer (der/die), Niederländerin(nen) (die) to rename sth. !ri"*neIm? They won and renamed the city New York . etw. umbenennen in honour of !*hOnE? They renamed the city New York , in honour of … zu Ehren von duke !dju"k? … the Duke of York. Herzog (der) immigrant !*ImIgrEnt? New immigrants brought new cultures into NYC. Einwanderer (der), Einwanderin (die) composition !kompE*ziSEn? New immigrants changed the city’s composition . Zusammenstellung (die) borough !*b0rE? New York is divided into five boroughs . Bezirk (der), Stadtteil (der) still !stIl? NY has been and still is a city of immigrants. noch immer multiculturalism !m0lti*k0ltSrlIzEm? It is a city of immigrants and multiculturalism . Multikulturalismus (der) diverse !daI*v3"s? The city has many diverse neighbourhoods. vielfältig, multikulturell, divers as well as !Ez *wel Ez? There are diverse neighbourhoods as well as areas like Greenpoint. sowie, und auch area !*eErIE? It is one of the most expensive areas of New York. Gegend (die) dominant !*dOmInEnt? The Polish language is dominant in Greenpoint. vorherrschend, dominant Statue of Liberty !stxtSu" Ev *lIbEti? The Statue of Liberty was given to New York as a present from France. Freiheitstatue (die) landmark !*lxndmA"k? It is one of the most well-known landmarks of NY. Wahrzeichen (das) as a whole !Ez E *hEUl? It has become a symbol of the US as a whole . gesamt, Gesamt- to make up sth. !meIk *0p? Liberty Island is only one of a few islands that make up the city. hier: etw. ausmachen to land !lxnd? Immigrants landed at Manhattan harbour. an Land gehen immigration station !ImI*greISn steISn? They had to go through the immigration station on Ellis Island. Immigrantensammelstelle (die) poverty !*pOvEti? They came to America to escape poverty . Armut (die) oppression !E*preSn? Most wanted to escape poverty and oppression . Unterdrückung (die) percent !pE*sent? Today, 40 percent of all American citizens are connected to Ellis Island . Prozent (das) ancestor !*xnsestE? Many American citizens have an ancestor who came through Ellis Island. Vorfahre (der), Vorfahrin (die) economic centre !i"kEnOmIk *sentE? New York City has become the economic centre of the United States. Wirtschaftszentrum (das) higher education institution !haIE edZU*keISn InstItju"Sn? The city has over 120 universities and higher education institutions . Hochschule (die) big city life !bIg *sIti laIf? New York is a symbol of big city life . Großstadtleben (das) estimated !*estImeItId? An estimated 12 million people landed there. geschätzt financial industry !faInxnSl *IndEstri? Wall Street has become the centre of the US financial industry . Finanzindustrie (die) to consist of sth. !kEn*sIst? By 1898, New York City consisted of five parts. aus etw. bestehen to symbolise sth. !*sImbElaIz? Finished in 1886, the statue symbolises freedom. etw. symbolisieren 151 one hundred and fifty-one Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv