Prime Time 4, Coursebook
in order to !In C"dE tU? … in order to get in touch with hosts. um zu 7 questionnaire !kwestSE*neE? Fill out the questionnaire on travelling. Fragebogen (der), Umfrage (die) the … the … !DE DE? The more new people I meet the better. je … umso/desto … train driver !*treIn draIvE? Did you dream of becoming a train driver ? Lokführer (der), Lokführerin (die) farmer !*fA"mE? I dreamed of being a farmer . Bauer (der), Bäuerin (die) organic !C"*gxnIk? Is it important for you to eat organic food? bio, Öko- absolutely !xbsE*lu"tli? Yes, absolutely . absolut to matter !*mxtE? All that matters is that it’s cheap. zählen, von Bedeutung sein outdoorsy !aUt*dC"zi? Would you say that you are the “ outdoorsy ” type? gerne in der freien Natur small talk !*smC"l tC"k? I prefer making small talk . Smalltalk (der/das) to be comfortable with sth. !*k0mfEtEbl? Are you comfortable with communicating online? mit etw. zufrieden sein once in a while !w0ns In E *waIl? I enjoy time without my computer once in a while . hin und wieder to suit sb. !su"t? Which way of travelling suits you best? (zu) jmdm. passen, jmdm. stehen to care about sb./sth. !keE? Do you care about the environment? jmdn./etw. wichtig nehmen environment !IN*vaIrnmEnt? How are you protecting the environment ? Umwelt (die) 8 usual !*ju"ZUEl? I won’t use my usual equipment today. üblich to find !faInd? I find my experiences too exciting not to share. als etw. empfinden, finden mix !miks? It’s a mix of travelling and work experience. Mischung (die) work experience !*w3"k Ik*spIErIEns? WWOOFing is a great work experience . Arbeitserfahrung (die) to help out !help *aUt? You stay at organic farms or parks and help out . aushelfen the middle of nowhere !mIdl Ev *nEUweE? I am in the middle of nowhere . in der Pampa, am Ende der Welt for company !fE k0mpEni? I have hundreds of sheep for company . als Gesellschaft location !lEU*keISn? We have stayed at five different locations . Ort (der) to tour sth. !tUE? We toured the national parks. etw. bereisen rental car !*rentl kA"? They drove around the country with a rental car . Mietauto (das) though !DEU? We didn’t get very far, though . hier: jedoch to break down !breIk *daUn? Our car broke down on a very lonely road at night. versagen, liegen bleiben post !pEUst? More about this adventure in my next post ! Beitrag (der), Post (der) to travel on !trxvl *On? Keep calm and travel on . weiterreisen set !set? We visited the Lord of the Rings movie set ! Drehort (der), Set (das) All the best for … !C"l DE *best fE? All the best for the rest of the holiday! Alles Gute für … Take care! !teIk *keE? Mach’s gut! to comment on sth. !*kOment? Comment on Ally’s blog post below. etw. kommentieren 10 I’d rather … !aId *rA"DE? I’d rather go backpacking than couchsurfing. Ich würde lieber … 11 to add sth. to sth. !xd? Chatting with local people adds to the experience. hier: etw. zu etw. beitragen 12 topic !*tOpIk? Choose one of the travel topics below. Thema (das) New York 1 in connection with !in kE*nekSn wID? Guess what the numbers mean in connection with the city. im Zusammenhang mit, bezüglich Unit 2 150 Vocabulary one hundred and fifty Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigent m des Verlags öbv
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