Prime Time 4, Coursebook

backpacking !*bxkpxkIN? My friends and I went backpacking last summer. Rucksackreise (die) 2 Where to? !weE *tU? Wohin? 3 category !*kxtEgri? Some words fit more than one category . Kategorie (die) arrival !E*raIvl? We apologise for the late arrival of the train. Ankunft (die) boarding !bC"dIN? Boarding will begin in fifteen minutes. Boarding (das), Einsteigen (das) check-in !*tSekIn? We apologise for the delays at check-in . Check-in (der/das) cruise ship !*kru"z SIp? They spent their holiday on a cruise ship . Kreuzfahrtschiff (das) delay !dI*leI? There will be a delay of two hours. Verspätung (die) departure !dI*pA"tSE? Departure times may change due to the weather. Abfahrt (die) ferry !*feri? You can take a ferry to the island. Fähre (die) flight !flaIt? I overslept and almost missed my flight . Flug (der) harbour !*hA"bE? Our ship is leaving the harbour in one hour. Hafen (der) highway !*haIweI? There has been an accident on the highway . Autobahn (die), Bundesstraße (die) luggage !*l0gIdZ? We have been waiting for our luggage for 2 hours! Gepäck (das) petrol station !*petrl steISn? Where is the nearest petrol station ? Tankstelle (die) platform !*plxtfC"m? The train is leaving from platform 9. Bahnsteig (der) rails !reIlz? A tree has fallen onto the rails . Schienen (die) seasick !*si"sIk? I hope I don’t get seasick on the ferry. seekrank to rent !rent? They decided to rent a car at the airport. mieten traffic jam !*trxfIk dZxm? We got stuck in a traffic jam on our way home. Verkehrsstau (der) trunk (BE) !tr0Nk? He put the luggage in his trunk . Kofferraum (der) wagon !wagEn? Which train wagon are you in? Wagon (der), Wagen (der) 4 travel agency !*trxvl eIdZnsi? They booked the trip with a new travel agency . Reisebüro (das) as well !ez *wel? Are you looking for a hotel as well ? auch, ebenfalls to sound good !saUnd *gUd? That sounds good . gut klingen train ride !*treIn raId? How long would the train ride take? Zugfahrt (die) to take (long/time) !teIk *lON? The train ride to the centre takes about an hour. (lang/eine Zeit) dauern travel agent !*trxvl eIdZnt? One of you is the travel agent . Reisebüroangestellte(r) (der/die) to leave !li"v? We would like to leave around July 15. weggehen, wegfahren to stay !steI? We want to stay there for two weeks. übernachten, wohnen bed and breakfast !bed En *brekfEst? They want to stay in different bed and breakfasts . Frühstückspension (die) island !*aIlEnd? You could take a ferry to the island . Insel (die) excellent !*ekslEnt? There are excellent restaurants at the beach. ausgezeichnet all-inclusive resort !C"lInklu"sIv rI*zC"t? We have great all-inclusive resorts on the island. hier: alles inklusiv Hotelanlage directly !daI*rektli? Most of the hotels are directly at the beach. direkt to avoid sth. !E*vCId? If you take the train, you can avoid traffic jams. etw. vermeiden option !*OpSn? The train is a much cheaper option than the car. Wahlmöglichkeit (die), Option (die) to get back to sb. !get *bak tE? Let me talk to my friend and get back to you! sich wieder bei jmdm. melden similar !*sImIlE? Write a similar dialogue. ähnlich 5 announcement !E*naUnsmEnt? Did you hear the announcement ? hier: Durchsage (die) delayed !dI*leId? The 7:15 flight to Paris is delayed by 20 minutes. verspätet passenger !*pxsndZE? Passengers travelling to Cairo should go to boarding gate 22. Fahrgast (der), Passagier (der), Passagierin (die) 148 Vocabulary one hundred and forty-eight Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv