Prime Time 4, Coursebook

Vocabulary Going abroad abroad !E*brC"d? Are you going to travel abroad this summer? im/ins Ausland 1 rucksack !*r0ksxk? Carry the things you need in a rucksack . Rucksack (der) volunteer work !vOlEn*tIE? We could do volunteer work on a farm. ehrenamtliche Arbeit (die) organic farm !C"gxnIk *fA"m? They help on organic farms . Biobauernhof (der) for free !fE *fri"? Stay here for free instead of paying for a hotel! gratis, kostenlos apartment !E*pA"tmEnt? I don’t want to pay for a hotel or apartment . Wohnung (die) a kind of sth. !kaInd? This kind of “surfing” might be for you! Art (die) to offer sth. !*OfE? People offer a room to travellers. anbieten, bieten even !i"vn? They even offer travellers their couch. sogar rail pass !*reIl pA"s? This rail pass allows you to travel in most European countries. Bahnpass (der) not only …but also !nOt *EUnli b0t *C"lsEU? These special hotels are not only for people but also for dogs! nicht nur … sondern auch four-legged !fC"*legId? They have beds for your four-legged friend. vierbeinig WWOOfing !*wUfIN? WWOOfing is a cheap way to stay in another country. Arbeit auf einer Farm für Unterkunft und Verpflegung couchsurfing !*kaUtS s3"fIN? He saved a lot of money by doing couchsurfing . Couchsurfing (das) Interrail !*IntEreIl? Many young Europeans do Interrail trips. Interrail Unit 1 Englische Laute Konsonanten Vokale Doppellaute !N? morni ng !A"? f a ther !aI? I , m y !r? r ed !0? b u t !aU? no w , h ou se !s? thi s !e? p e n !eE? th ere , p air !z? i s !E? a sist er !eI? n a me, th ey !Z? televi si on !3"? g ir l !IE? h ere , id ea !dZ? pa ge !x? fl a t !CI? b oy !S? sh e !I? i t !EU? hell o !tS? ch air !i? happ y !UE? s ure !D? th e !i"? t ea cher, sh e !T? th anks !O? g o t Zusätzliche Zeichen !v? v ideo !C"? b a ll !*? Die folgende Silbe trägt die stärkste Betonung im Wort. !w? w ow, o ne !U? b oo k !u"? t oo , t wo Alle anderen Zeichen werden genauso ausgesprochen, wie sie geschrieben werden, z. B. !b?, !j?, !l? usw. Abkürzungen AE American English pl. plural etw. etwas BE British English sb. somebody jmdm. jemandem coll. colloquial (= umgangssprachlich) sth. something jmdn. jemanden Words in green: basic vocabulary Words in blue: additional vocabulary Words in black: advanced vocabulary g4m6b4 Alphabetisches Vokabular 9pp7up Vokabular zu Unit 16 147 one hundred and forty-seven Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv