Prime Time 4, Coursebook

Unit 1 4 Talking about the future: will and going to will going to Form: will /will not (won’t) + base form Form: am, is are + going to + base form Functions Predictions: There will be heavy rain and strong winds tomorrow. In the future machines will do most of our jobs. I’m sure I won’t live in Vienna all my life. Spontaneous decisions: Don’t move, I’ll go and get your glasses, Granny. Don’t worry, we’ll find a solution. There are no eggs left! – Well, in this case we won’t have fried eggs for breakfast. Offers and promises: I won’t lie to you anymore. We’ll send you lots of photos, Mum. It’s raining really hard. I’ll drive you home, okay? Plans/Intentions: Eliza is going to share an apartment with Maureen. I’m going to watch the race on television. They are going to get married in September. We are going to grow our own vegetables. Predictions because we can see something happening: He is standing on a wobbly ladder He is going to fall! Judy is so tired she can’t keep her eyes open. She is going to fall asleep any minute now. Watch out! That boy is going to break that glass. Unit 1 5 Comparison of adjectives (revision) When we want to talk about similarities and differences between things or people, we can use adjectives for comparing. (not) as …as; (just) as …as This ad is not as creative as that one. But I think the smoothie it is advertising is just as good as the other one. Comparative This smoothie is a bit more expensive but slightly less attractive than my favourite. I think it should be a lot cheaper . Superlative This one is the best : it is the healthiest and most delicious of all the smoothies I know. It’s also the least expensive one. Remember these special forms : happ y – happ ier – (the) happ iest fa t – fa tt er – (the) fa tt est clev er – clev erer – (the) clev erest bad – worse – (the) worst good – better – (the) best little – less – (the) least G22 " p. 117 G23 " p. 120 145 one hundred and forty-five Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv