Prime Time 4, Coursebook

l = This is easy m = This is okay n = This is difficult Language in use: Interview with a travel blog writer Complete the interview with the correct words. Interviewer: Sarah, you call yourself WorldWanderer and write a travel blog 1 . Sarah: That’s right. I’ve mostly been travelling and writing for the last six years. Interviewer: Six years! Wow, that’s a lot of holidays! Sarah: I don’t really see it as holidays. I try to stay in one country as long as possible. Every new place is a new 2 ! Interviewer: And what’s your favourite way of travelling? Sarah: Well, I have tried nearly every form of 3 so far (laughs) . I like going by 4 for longer distances because it’s good for the environment and you see a lot of the landscape. But for some places you need to rent a 5 . Interviewer: What about your luggage? Sarah: I do a lot of 6 where you carry your stuff on your back. This means you never take too much luggage with you. Interviewer: And what about 7 ; where do you usually stay? Sarah: I try to avoid big 8 they are not always very typical of the country. I have often used platforms such as 9 , where you can stay with people from the country you are visiting. It really adds to the experience when you can chat with local people. Speaking: Travelling Choose one of the travel topics below and prepare to speak for one minute. • your favourite travel buddy • the last souvenir you bought in your holidays • the most beautiful place you’ve ever been to • the worst holiday you’ve ever had • a country or city you’ve always wanted to visit • someone you met while you were travelling. 11 blog accommodation car adventure backpacking train couchsurfing transport hotels l m n I can complete a text with fitting words. 12 l m n I can talk about a topic that I have prepared before. 14 1 Unit Going abroad Show what you can do 2jz37q fourteen Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv