Prime Time 3, Coursebook

Carly: Why are they getting so many likes? I can’t sleep, and I’ve lost my appetite and … Everyone’s finding lame excuses why they can’t come. (Carly’s phone pings) It’s Darius. Darius is cool. (dries her eyes to read) ‘Hey Carly, it’s gonna be a mega party at the Aquarius.’ Gaia: You see! Darius’ll definitely be there. Carly: (continues reading) … ‘Sorry, can’t come ’cos my parents are taking us to see my boring relatives in Wales. Have a wicked birthday. Darius’ (coldly) You see. Lame excuses. Gaia: (uneasily) I guess people are afraid if they go to the party … they’ll get bullied too? Carly: Is that what you think? Are you afraid you’ll get bullied, Gaia? (Pause) Gaia: Well … see … I mean … Carly: Huh?! You’re a great friend, Gaia! Carly exits angrily to the right. Gaia stands alone centre stage, looks upset and sighs. b) Carly gets lots of answers in the online forum. Write to Carly recommending what she should do. Use the phrases from the box. Reading: Scene 5 Listen to scene 5 and read along. After school that Thursday. In Dad’s car. Carly gets into Dad’s car. She notices Lucy and her two friends staring at her. Dad: (hugs Carly) Hi sweetheart … had a good day? Mum and I have ordered your cake for the party. Carly: There isn’t going to be a party, Dad! (Dad stops the car.) Dad: What are you saying, love? All your friends … Carly: All my friends are afraid to be seen with me. Someone’s sending messages on social media saying if they come, they’re losers! (she starts to cry) Dad: (shocked) That’s bullying, that’s … cyberbullying! You poor thing … (goes to embrace her) Carly: Dad! (pushes him away) That girl over there’s watching me. I think she’s the bully. Dad: (starts to get out of the car, angrily) I’ll … I’ll … talk to her. Carly: Dad! You’ll only make it worse! I’ll look like an idiot. And I can’t be sure it’s her. (Pause) Dad: Has she been invited? Carly: Of course not! Lucy and her gang are all losers! Dad: Sweetheart, you’re kind of excluding her … Carly: (furiously) What … Da-ad! Dad: If I were you, I would … Carly: (puts her hands in her ears) Dad! Whose side are you on? 7 Useful phrases Giving advice If I were you, I would/wouldn’t … • If I were in your shoes, I would/wouldn’t … • You’d better … • You should/shouldn’t … • Why don’t you …? • Have you thought about …? • Have you tried …-ing P 2.12 kz77uh 99 12 ninety-nine Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv