Prime Time 3, Coursebook

Grammar Unit 1 Past tense progressive and past tense simple What were you doing when it happened? Past tense progressive (continuing action) Past tense simple (short action) I was walking home We were having dinner when when I suddenly heard my name. my friend called. We use the past progressive for a continuing action, something that was happening in the past. Form: was/were + verb + ing We often use the past progressive for a continuing action in the past that was interrupted by a short action (past tense simple). What were you doing while something else was going on? Past tense progressive (continuing action) Past tense progressive (continuing action) What were you doing He was reading while while you were waiting? she was watching Tv? Unit 2 Present perfect tense (simple) We use the present perfect tense to talk about … … things that have been like that for some time. I’ve always hated maths. … things people have done in their lives. He has written a book, he has read more than 200 books and he has met three of his favourite authors. … things that have happened recently. She’s tired. She has just come home from work. When we use the present perfect tense, we don’t say when something happened, but we want to say that it has happened and that it’s still important for the present. PAST NOW Form: have + last form Signal words: ever, never, yet, already Have you ever been to the US? No, I’ve never been there. But I want to go! Have you done your homework yet? You’ve already asked me. I said yes! G1 " p. 11 G2 " p. 19 136 Grammar one hundred and thirty-six Wants and needs a) Look at the things below. Decide which are wants (things we would like to have but are not necessary) and which are needs (things we must have to live well). Write W or N. b) What do you think? Say what the most important need is. For me, what children need most is … c) In 1989, the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child was written. It has 42 articles that explain the rights each child has. Complete two of these articles with the words below. 1 ve62sx N Info All children have the same needs: they need healthy food, they need to have a good education and much more. Rights protect needs, so that every child has the chance to live and develop well. i opinion responsible listen freely change Your family is 1 for helping you use your rights properly. When adults are making decisions that 2 something in your life, you have the right to say 3 what you think should happen. Adults should 4 and take your opinion 5 seriously. Children’s rights New things • UN Convention • Adverbs of manner • Modal verbs and “be allowed to” • Buddy book • Podcast: Student council • School clubs Unit 3 23 twenty-three Vocabulary Journeys journey !*dZ3"ni? During their journey, they were in dangerous situations. Reise (die) 1 sunburn !*s0nb3"n? Did you get a sunburn? Sonnenbrand (der) to be/get stuck in a traffic jam !*trxfIk dZxm? He got stuck in a traffic jam. im Stau stecken competition !!kOmpE*tISn? She won a competition in the summer holidays. Wettbewerb (der), Wettkampf (der) when !wen? Where were you when that happened? hier: als Holiday experiences 2 experience !Ik*spIEriEns? Listen to Ally’s podcast about her holiday experience. Erfahrung (die), Erlebnis (das) podcast !*pOdkA"st? Listen to the podcast again and take notes. Podcast (der) series !*sIErI"z? A series of audio files is called a podcast. Serie (die), Reihe (die) digital !*dIdZItl? A podcast is a series of digital audio files. digital audio file !*C"diEU? You can download the audio files. Audiodatei (die) topic !*tOpIk? The topic of your podcast can be anything you like. Thema (das) from… to !frOm? !tE? It can be anything from travelling to sports. von … bis travelling !*trxvlIN? I’d like to make a podcast about travelling. Reisen (das) Unit 1 Englische Laute Konsonanten Vokale Doppellaute !N? morning !A"? father !aI? I, my !r? red !0? but !aU? now, house !s? this !e? pen !eE? there, pair !z? is !E? a sister !eI? name, they !Z? television !3"? girl !IE? here, idea !dZ? page !x? flat !CI? boy !S? she !I? it !EU? hello !tS? chair !i? happy !UE? sure !D? the !i"? teacher, she !T? thanks !O? got Zusätzliche Zeichen !v? video !C"? ball !*? Die folgende Silbe trägt die stärkste Betonung im Wort. !w? wow, one !U? book !u"? too, two Alle anderen Zeichen werden genauso ausgesprochen, wie sie geschrieben werden, z. B. !b?, !j?, !l? usw. Abkürzungen AE American English pl. plural etw. etwas BE British English sb. somebody jmdm. jemandem coll. colloquial (= umgangssprachlich) sth. something jmdn. jemanden Words in green: basic vocabulary Words in blue: additional vocabulary Words in black: advanced vocabulary 4hg935 Alphabetisches Vokabular 145 one hundred and forty-five My holiday experience Ally’s podcast a) Match the sentence halves about Ally’s holiday experience. 1. Ally was disappointed because she had changed her mind1 and was really enjoying her time in Austria. 2. The first few days were boring the neighbour’s son found her and helped her get home. 3. One day she was cycling on a mountain road because she didn’t know anyone there. 4. After a while when she suddenly had an accident. 5. This was really a lucky day 1 when her parents told her she had to spend the summer with her grandparents. 6. In the end she was sad to leave because after that she met other people and made new friends. 1 to change one’s mind – seine Meinung ändern b) Fill in the missing letters to complete the phrases from Ally’s story. For each phrase there is a matching picture. 1. t o s p e n d t i m e w i t h g r a n d p a r e n ts B 2. t h v e xp nc 3. t ee e f d 4. t h v a cc d t 5. t f l h pp c) Complete the sentences so that they are true for you. 1. At the beginning of the holidays I felt 2. During the holidays I 3. At the end of the holidays I 1 A B C D E 3 1 Unit three Journeys l = This is easy m = This is okay n = This is difficult Speaking: Which school club’s right for you? You and your partner talk about the clubs at your school. Both of you would like to go to one club. Look at the poster and think about which club is your favourite and why. You have got three minutes to prepare. Then you and your partner should agree on one club. Language in use: Adverbs of manner Use the words below to make adverbs. Then use each adverb in a sentence. Write the sentences in your exercise book. hard à hard 1 good à 2 nervous à 3 fast à 4 happy à 5 angry à 6 1. The pupils worked hard to fight for their rights. 6 l m n I can talk with a partner and show that I am interested in what others say, e.g. about which school club they would like to go to. FRIDAY 14:30 –16:00 Children’s rights club Writing letters and petitions when rights aren’t pro tected Making posters to inform other pupils about their rights THURSDAY 15:30 –17:00 Anti-bullying Club Helping pupils who are bullied because of their skin colour, clothes, etc. Inviting experts to talk about bullying 14:00 –16:00 “Welcome to Austria” Group Visiting children who have just come to Austria Collecting toys to give to the children MONDAY 15:00 –17:00 Children’s Hospital Club Organising bake sales to get money fo r the local children’s hospital Visiting sick children and playing with them 14:00 –16:00 Religion Club Getting to know different religions Inviting priests, imams, rabbis, etc. to talk about their religion and their job WEDNESDAY 15:00 –16:30 “Better Food” Club Making sure school food is healthy Trying out healthy recipes 15:00 –16:30 Environment Club Making our school “green” Starting a recycling project TUESDAY 14:30 –17:00 School Magazine Writing articles about all the things that go on at our school Interviewing teachers and pupils 15:00 –17:30 Language Club Getting to know your classmates’ first languages Teaching others words in your language 7 l m n I can use adverbs in sentences. 30 3 Unit Children’s rights Show what you can do 7ee2g5 thirty Verweis auf die CD deiner Lehrkraft Online-Code, der zu den Audio-Dateien und den Videos im Internet führt. Gib den Code einfach in das Suchfeld auf ein. 8k72g7 Online-Code, der zu interaktiven Übungen im Internet führt. Gib den Code einfach in das Suchfeld auf ein. Symbole Der Abschnitt Grammar gibt dir einen Überblick über die Grammatikstrukturen, die du in diesem Jahr lernst. Jede der 16 Units beginnt mit einer Auftaktseite. Dort findest du meistens ein Bild, das dich auf das Thema der Unit vorbereitet. In den Units gibt es Kästen mit Redemitteln (Word banks, Useful phrases), Informationen (Info) und Grammatik (Grammar). Auf den Show what you can do-Seiten jeder Unit kannst du deine Lernleistung in der jeweiligen Unit selbst einschätzen. Can do-Sätze geben dir dabei Anhaltspunkte, wie deine Leistungen beurteilt werden könnten. Im Vokabelteil (Vocabulary, ab S. 144) findest du neue Wörter in der Reihenfolge, wie sie in den Units vorkommen. Präge dir die Beispielsätze zu den Wörtern ein. Alphabetisches Vokabular 4hg935 Im Workbook gibt es zusätzliche Übungen zu den Inhalten der Units. Ab Unit 2 kannst du auf den Revision-Seiten auch Inhalte aus früheren Units wiederholen. 6 Contents six So arbeitest du mit Prime Time Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv