bronze !brOnz? In third place you get a bronze medal. Bronze (die) Paralympian !pxrE*lImpIEn? The Paralympians compete in the Paralympic Games. Paralympionike (der), Paralympionikin (die) equal treatment !i"kwEl *tri"tmEnt? They work for equal treatment with able-bodied Olympic athletes. Gleichbehandlung (die) 8 version !v3"Sn? A summary is a short version of a text. Version (die) Show what you can do 10 to empty one’s pockets !*empti? The police asked me to empty my pockets. seine Taschen leeren front desk !fr0nt *desk? I had to wait at the front desk before going in. Rezeption (die) to attack sb. !E*txk? They were afraid that I could attack a policeman. jmdn. angreifen hairy !heEri? The man behind the desk had very hairy hands. haarig (finger) nail !neIl? The man had bitten his nails. (Finger-)Nagel (der) to bleed – bled – bled !bli"d? !bled? !bled? He had bitten his nails so much that they had bled. bluten Swiss Army Knife !swIs *A"mi naIf? They took away my Swiss Army Knife. Schweizer Messer (das) attachment !E*txtSmEnt? I have a Swiss Army Knife with 13 attachments. hier: Werkzeug (das), Ausstattung (die) toothpick !*tu"TpIk? One of the attachments is a toothpick. Zahnstocher (der) tweezers !*twi"zEz? Does your Swiss Army Knife also have tweezers? Pinzette (die) string !strIN? There was a piece of string in my pocket. Schnur (die), Faden (der) wooden puzzle !wUdn *p0zl? I also had a piece of a wooden puzzle. hölzernes Puzzle (das) pellet !*pelEt? I had 3 pellets of rat food for my rat. Pellet (das) paperclip !*peIpEklIp? The papers were held together by a red paperclip. Büroklammer (die) home !hEUm? One of my grandparents is in a home. hier: Altersheim (das) cell !sel? It was nice in the police cell. Zelle (die) cube !kju"b? It was almost a perfect cube, 2 metres long by 2 metres wide by 2 metres high. Würfel (der) wide !waId? The cell was 2 metres wide. breit to escape !I*skeIp? I wondered how I would escape if I was in a story. fliehen, entkommen to focus light !*fEUkEs? I would use my glasses to focus the sunlight on a piece of my clothing and start a fire. Licht bündeln to make one’s escape !I*skeIp? I would make my escape when they took me out of the cell. fliehen, entkommen Fact detectives Train your ear 1 to improve !Impru"v? How can I improve my listening skills? verbessern audiobook !*C"dIEUbUk? I listen to audiobooks while I do the housework. Hörbuch (das) track !trxk? Listen to the track two or three times. Nummer (die), Titel (der) to rank !rxNk? Read the tips below and rank them. reihen to take a break !teIk E *breIk? When you listen to something online, try to take breaks. eine Pause machen to pause sth. !pC"z? You can pause and take the time you need. etw. unterbrechen patient !*peISnt? Be patient and keep listening. geduldig housework !*hausw3"k? You can do it when you’re doing housework. Hausarbeit (die) Unit 16 187 one hundred and eighty-seven Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv