Prime Time 3, Coursebook

3 first language !f3"st *lxNgwIdZ? What’s your first language? Erstsprache (die), Muttersprache (die) second language !seknd *lxNgwIdZ? Her second language is English. Zweitsprache (die), erste Fremdsprache (die) bilingual !baI*lINgwl? She is bilingual; she speaks Russian and English. bilingual, zweisprachig foreign language !*fOrEn lxNgwIdZ? He also speaks two foreign languages. Fremdsprache (die) Hungarian !h0N*geErIEn? She speaks Hungarian more often than English. Ungarisch (das) to unscramble sth. !0n*skrxmbl? Unscramble these expressions. etw. wieder ordnen equally well !i"kwEli *wel? He can use two languages equally well. gleich gut native country !neItIv *k0ntri? English is not spoken in her native country. Heimatland (das) in addition to !In E*dISn tU? I learned French in addition to my first language. außer, darüber hinaus I wish … !aI *wIS? I wish I could speak Japanese because I love watching anime. Ich wünschte … English around the world 4 influence !*InfluEns? Read the text about the influence of English on the world. Einfluss (der) either …or !aIDE? !i"DE? !C"? You can either choose a picture from your coursebook or workbook. entweder … oder official language !E*fISl? English is the official language in the United Kingdom, Ireland and Malta. Amtssprache (die) primary !*praImri? There are more than 60 countries in which English is either the official or the primary language. Hauptthird most common !*kOmEn? It is the third most common language in the world. dritthäufigst Anglo-Saxon !xNglEU*sxksn? Modern English developed from the language of the Anglo-Saxons. Angelsachse (der), Angelsächsin (die) United Kingdom !jUnaItId *kINdEm? The official language in the United Kingdom is English. Vereinigtes Königreich (das) various !*veErIEs? English is also spoken in various Caribbean countries. verschiedene Caribbean !kxrI*bi"En? The Bahamas, Jamaica and Belize are all Caribbean countries. karibisch major !*meIdZE? There are also other reasons why English has become a major world language. bedeutend, wichtig business !*bIznIs? English has become the language of business. Geschäft (das), Handel (der) call !kC"l? Many business calls are carried out in English. Anruf (der) to carry out sth. !kxri *aUt? 67% of all business calls and meetings are carried out in English. etw. durchführen cultural influence !*k0ltSrl *InflUEns? English is known worldwide because of American films, music and other cultural influences. kultureller Einfluss (der) to spread !spred? American films and music have quickly spread over the whole world. sich verbreiten restroom (AE) !*restru"m? What Americans call a restroom, Canadians call a washroom. Toilette (die) washroom (CE) !*wOSru"m? In Canada the washroom is the room where the toilet is. Toilette (die) accent !*xksnt? Each region has its own accent. Akzent (der) 183 one hundred and eighty-three Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv