Controversial topics 6 controversial !kOntrE*v3"Sl? Below there are two controversial discussion topics from an online forum. umstritten, kontrovers discussion !dIs*k0Sn? Some people love to join a discussion in an online forum. Diskussion (die) minimum age !mInEmEm *eIdZ? The minimum age to get a driver’s license is 16. Mindestalter (das) driver’s license !*draIvEz laIsEns? I think it’s good that teenagers can get a driver’s license at 16. Führerschein (der) the pros and cons !prEUz? !kOnz? There are pros and cons to this topic. das Für und Wider, das Pro und Kontra sporting event !*spC"tIN Ivent? They have to ask their parents to drive them to sporting events. Sportveranstaltung (die) stressful !*stresfEl? This was always really stressful for me. stressig ride !raId? With a driver’s license, they can take care of their own rides. Fahrt (die) car crash !*kA" krxS? Many teenagers die in car crashes. Autounfall (der) cause of death !kC"z Ev *deT? What’s the number one cause of death for teenagers? Todesursache (die) anyway !*enIweI? I think we drive too much anyway. ohnehin, sowieso …and …alike !E*laIk? We drive too much, teens and adults alike. sowohl … als auch … overweight !EUvE*weIt? Overweight people shouldn’t use their cars for very short distances. übergewichtig to own sth. !EUn? I don’t even own a car. etw. besitzen traffic light !*trxfIk laIt? Don’t cross the street until the traffic light is green. Ampel (die) to drive on !draIv *On? He forgets to drive on when it’s green. weiterfahren grown-up !*grEUn0p? Why not have a grown-up in the car giving tips for the first 1,000 miles? Erwachsener (der), Erwachsene (die) 7 exclusive !Ik*sklu"sIv? Nobody will have more expensive or more exclusive stuff than anyone else. exklusiv, vornehm to prevent sth. !prI*vent? This helps prevent bullying. etw. verhindern, etw. vorbeugen Drop us a comment! !drOp? Schick uns einen Kommentar! to ban sth. !bxn? Let’s ban mobiles from school. etw. verbieten to be unpopular with sb. !0n*pOpjElE? Banning smartphones from school is unpopular with teens. unbeliebt bei jmdm. sein for one’s own good !EUn *gUd? It will be for their own good. zu jmds. Besten Structuring ideas 8 no matter !nEU *mxtE? You can talk to anybody, no matter where you are. ganz gleich, egal in case of an emergency !I*m3"dZnsi? In case of an emergency, you can call for help with your mobile. im Ernstfall, bei Gefahr to pass the time !pA"s? It helps you pass the time on the bus and lets you take photos. sich die Zeit vertreiben bedside table !bedsaId *teIbl? Some people can’t sleep well with the smartphone on their bedside tables. Nachttisch (der) Lastly, … !*lA"stli? Lastly, smartphones cost a lot of money. Schließlich, … high-end !haI*end? High-end mobiles become more and more expensive every year. hochwertig, teuer 181 one hundred and eighty-one Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv