Prime Time 3, Coursebook

on the other hand !*ODE hxnd? Kim sounds confident. Nick, on the other hand, sounds unsure. andererseits obviously !*ObvIEsli? He obviously does not know what he is talking about. offensichtlich face to face !feIs tE *feIs? People should talk face to face more. persönlich hopefully !*hEUpfEli? Hopefully, the students will help each other. hoffentlich Show what you can do 9 the 1990s !naInti"n *naIntiz? Life as a teenager in the 1990s was different. die 1990er past !pA"st? The 1990s are just over twenty years past. hier: her, vorbei, vergangen though !DEU? The life of a teenager, though, was completely different then from what it is today. jedoch, allerdings battery life !*bxtri laIf? The first mobile phones had a battery life of only 75 minutes. Akkulaufzeit (die) flat rate !*flxt reIt? There were no flat rates as there are today. Pauschaltarif (der) unlimited !0n*lImItId? Do you have unlimited minutes or does it cost you something? unbegrenzt music cassette !*mju"zIk kEset? In the 1990s, people started to use CDs instead of music cassettes. Musikkassette teen (= teenager) !ti"n? Most teens had a few hundred songs in their CD shelves at home. Teenager (der) (radio) station !*steISn? Instead, many teens turned on the radio regularly to listen to their favourite station. (Radio-)Sender (der) hip !hIp? They knew which stations were hip and cool. hip, cool, in to take up space !teIk 0p *speis? They took up much space in the living room. Platz beanspruchen in between !In bI*twi"n? In between TV programmes there were adverts. zwischen frequent !*fri"kwEnt? There were frequent blocks of adverts. häufig, regelmäßig block of adverts !blOk Ev *xdv3"ts? The blocks of adverts were long. Werbeblock (der) typically !*tIpIkli? Parents who wanted their teens to do something typically got this reply. normalerweise advertisements !Ed*vE"tismEnts? I’ll do it during the advertisements. (Fernseh-)Werbung (die) Extreme emotions extreme !Ik*stri"m? In extreme situations people can have extreme emotions. extrem emotion !I*mEUSn? Your poem should express an emotion. Gefühl (das), Emotion (die) 1 to grow up !grEU *0p? What do you want to be when you grow up? erwachsen werden heaven !*hevn? Growing up is heaven and hell. Himmel (der) hell !hel? Watching my little brother can be like hell. Hölle (die) sadness !*sxdnEs? Laughing all day keeps sadness away. Traurigkeit (die) for sale !fE *seIl? I’m sorry, this painting is not for sale. zu verkaufen, verkäuflich prom !prOm? For sale: prom dress, never worn. Abschlussball (der) stranger !*streIndZE? First they were strangers, then they were friends. Fremder (der), Fremde (die) Heart to heart heart !hA"t? Hearts are often symbols for love. Herz (das) Unit 10 172 Vocabulary one hundred and seventy-two Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv