Prime Time 3, Coursebook

bottom right-hand corner !bOtm raIthEnd *kC"nE? In the bottom right-hand corner, there is a yellow ball. untere rechte Ecke (die) overall !EUvE*rC"l? Overall, I think the picture shows a bedroom. insgesamt, im Großen und Ganzen upper left-hand corner !0pE lefthxnd *kC"nE? In the upper left-hand corner, there is a poster. obere linke Ecke (die) 7 flick (coll.) !flIk? What are your favourite flicks? Film (der) pic (coll.) !pIk? Can you send me yesterday’s pics? Bild (das) still !stIl? Look at the still from the film and describe it. hier: Standbild (das) All in all, … !C"l In *C"l? All in all, I think it is true: sometimes a picture IS worth a thousand words. insgesamt Show what you can do 8 pale look !peIl? People thought that a pale look showed that Elizabeth I was a powerful queen. blasses Aussehen (das) What if …? 1 prediction !prI*dIkSn? Have your predictions come true? Vorhersage (die) to broadcast !*brC"dkA"st? In the year 2000, television didn’t broadcast images, sound and smell. ausstrahlen, übertragen space !speIs? Everyone will be able to travel to space. Weltraum (der) 2 automatically !C"tE*mxtIkli? The fridge will do the shopping automatically. automatisch to check one’s messages !tSek w0nz *mesIdZEz? You will be able to check your messages without using your hands. nachschauen, ob neue Nachrichten gekommen sind contact lense !*kOntxkt lenz? You will check your messages with contact lenses. Kontaktlinse (die) dinosaur !*daInEsC"? In the future, we will see dinosaurs in zoos. Dinosaurier (der) nuclear energy !nju"klIE *enEdZi? We will stop using nuclear energy. Kernenergie (die) disease !dI*zi"z? Doctors will be able to cure any disease. Krankheit (die) robot butler !rEUbEt *b0tlE? People will have robot butlers. Roboterbutler (der) Create your own story 3 to wave at/to sb. !weIv? Hookie waves to Pookie and runs to the house. jmdm. (zu-)winken buggy !*bagi? He puts his little sister in her buggy. Kinderwagen (der) robot-nanny !rEUbEt *nxni? He tells the robot-nanny to take them to the football field. Roboternanny (die) to ring the doorbell !*dC"bel? Before Hookie can ring the doorbell, Pookie opens the door. an der Tür klingeln robot head !rEUbEt *hed? Suddenly her robot head explodes. Roboterkopf (der) flame !fleIm? Hookie puts out the flames. Flamme (die) emergency landing place !Im3"dZnsi *lxndIN pleIs? Pookie takes them to an emergency landing place. Notfalllandeplatz (der) ambulance !*xmbjElEns? He calls an ambulance for the nanny. Rettungswagen (der) to fight sth. !faIt? He is fighting the flames with a water bottle. etw. bekämpfen to calm down sb. !kA"m *daUn? Pookie is trying to calm down his crying little sister. jmdn. beruhigen autopilot !*C"tEU paIlEt? Luckily, the autopilot takes them to Hookie’s father’s office. Autopilot (der) office !*Ofis? The father’s office is in a large building. Büro (das) Unit 9 169 one hundred and sixty-nine Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv