Your own podcast projects 6 do it yourself !du It jC"*self? Do it yourself: Make your own podcast. mach es selbst clear !klIE? Clear, correct and fluent speech is especially important. klar fluent speech !*fluEnt spi"tS? Fluent speech makes your listeners understand you better. flüssiges Sprechen listener !*lisnE? Your listeners should be interested in your work. Zuhörer (der), Zuhörerin (die) to be responsible for sth. !rI*spOnsIbl? Everyone is responsible for their own task. verantwortlich für etw. sein to complete sth. !*kEmpli"t? It will be easy for you to complete the task. fertigstellen, beenden to manage sth. !*mxnIdZ? Who should manage the content? etw. leiten, etw. organisieren content !*kOntent? What will be the content of the podcast? Inhalt (der) to research sth. !rI*s3"tS? Someone should research and write texts. etw. recherchieren to edit sth. !*edIt? Edit your podcasts after recording them. etw. editieren, etw. schneiden to analyse !*xnElaIz? Discuss and analyse the presentations and give each other feedback. analysieren 7 to slow down !slEU daUn? Slow down when you’re speaking. langsamer werden pause !pC"z? Speak slowly and use pauses. Pause (die) emphasis !*emfEsis? Use pauses for emphasis. Betonung (die) volume !*volju"m? Pay attention to your speaking volume. Lautstärke (die), Volumen (das) to breathe !bri"D? Breathe slowly and try to stay calm. atmen self-confident !self*kOnfIdEnt? Be self-confident when you speak. selbstbewusst 8 pronunciation !prEn0nsI*eISn? Correct pronunciation is important for a successful speaking performance. Aussprache (die) vowel !*vaUEl? The vowels in English are a, e, i, o, u and sometimes y. Vokal (der), Selbstlaut (der) to rise !raIz? When do you use a rising intonation? steigen insect !*Insekt? There is an insect in my soup. Insekt (das) Show what you can do 9 to communicate !kE*mju"nIkeIt? Social media help you to communicate with others about this event. kommunizieren, sich verständigen to rewrite sth. !rI*raIt? Rewrite the sentences that are false. etw. umschreiben, etw. neu schreiben Water is life 1 pure !pjC"? The water of the lake is pure. sauber, klar fresh !freS? It’s hard to get fresh water. frisch to not care about sth. !keE? People don’t care about the oceans. sich nicht um etw. kümmern, sich nicht für etw. interessieren to rain heavily !*hevIli? Yesterday it rained heavily. stark regnen drinking water !*drInkIN wC"tE? Are you sure this is drinking water quality? Trinkwasser (das) quality !kwOlIti? What do you know about the quality of this water? Qualität (die) waterfall !*wC"tEfC"l? We walked along the river until we came to a waterfall. Wasserfall (der) water drop !*wC"tE drOp? There are water drops on the window. Wassertropfen (der) Unit 7 163 one hundred and sixty-three Nur zu Prüfzw cken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv