even !*i"vn? Cruisers spend months or even years at sea. sogar at sea !xt *si"? They decide to spend a part of their lives at sea. auf See sentence starter !*sentEns stA"tE? Talk to a partner and use the sentence starters below. Satzanfang (der) definitely !*defInEtli? I would definitely like to do a journey around the world. definitiv, auf jeden Fall I guess … !ges? I guess it would be boring to live on a boat. Ich schätze … Show what you can do 8 to pick sb. up !pIk *0p? Her dad picked her up after school. abholen truck !tr0k? Our guide picked us up in a big truck. Lastwagen (der) nature reserve !*neItSE rIz3"v? He drove us to a nature reserve. Naturschutzgebiet (das), Naturpark (der) which !witS? We went to Kenya’s first nature reserve, which opened in 1946. der/die/das, welche/r/s giraffe !dZI*rA"f? After entering the park, we saw a giraffe and two zebras. Giraffe (die) zebra !*zebrE? !zi"brE? I was taking a photo when a zebra started running towards our truck. Zebra (das) 9 to give a presentation !prezn*teISn? Give a short presentation about an event from your summer holidays. ein Referat halten What a life! 1 acrostic !E*krOstIk? Complete the acrostic with the words in the box. Akrostichon hero (pl. heroes) !*hIErEU? Is being a hero extraordinary? Held (der) surprising !sE*praIzIN? I found it surprising that she did this. überraschend, erstaunlich to stand out !stxnd *aUt? People like me always stand out. hervorragen, sich abheben uncommon !0n*kOmEn? It’s an uncommon activity for a child. ungewöhnlich, selten to live one’s dream !lIv w0nz *dri"m? She became a writer and lived her dream. seinen Traum wahrmachen one !w0n? One should always listen to one’s parents. hier: man odd one out !Od w0n *aUt? He was always the odd one out at school. Außenseiter (der), Außenseiterin (die) unusual !0n*ju"ZuEl? It is very unusual for him to miss a lesson. ungewöhnlich, untypisch to make a difference !meIk E *dIfrEns? We want to make a difference in this world. etw. verändern, etw. bewegen least !li"st? Which of these is the least extraordinary activity? am wenigsten top !tOp? They climbed a mountain to the top. hier: Gipfel (der) ever !*evE? Have you ever done any of these activities? jemals Everyone can be extraordinary 2 chimpanzee !tSImpxn*zi"? She wanted to study chimpanzees. Schimpanse (der) crocodile hunter !*krOkEdaIl h0ntE? He was the star of a TV show about being a crocodile hunter. Krokodiljäger (der), Krokodiljägerin (die) close (to sth.) !klEUs? He got very close to dangerous reptiles. nahe (an etw.) reptile !*reptaIl? Crocodiles are large and dangerous reptiles. Reptil (das) horror !*hOrE? She dreamt of a horror story and wrote it down. Horror (der), Horrorto be lucky !*l0ki? She was lucky to find a good job. Glück haben Unit 2 149 one hundred and forty-nine Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv