to take notes !teIk *nEUts? Listen to the podcast again and take notes. sich Notizen machen, mitschreiben positive !*pOzEtIv? Find two positive events Ally tells about her holidays. positiv negative !*negEtIv? What negative events does she talk about? negativ Styria !*stIrIE? Her parents sent her to Styria. Steiermark (die) Carinthia !kE*rInTIE? She visited her grandparents in Carinthia. Kärnten (das) Tyrol !tI*rEUl? They went to Tyrol for two weeks. Tirol (das) scooter !*sku;tE? One day she had an accident with her scooter. Tretroller (der) tractor !*trxktE? During her holidays she drove a tractor. Traktor (der) mountain lake !*maUntIn leIk? She really enjoyed swimming in mountain lakes. Bergsee (der) 3 to injure sth. !*IndZE? She injured her leg during a football game. sich etw. verletzen to experience sth. !Ik*spIEriEns? He experienced something new this summer. etw. erleben Upper Austria !0pE *OstrIE? Alissa spent time with her grandparents in Upper Austria. Oberösterreich (das) to summarise !*s0mEraIz? Summarise Ally’s experience. zusammenfassen lonely !*lEUnli? At the beginning of the holidays she felt lonely. einsam during !*djUErIN? During her holidays she met new people. während to fight (with sb.) – fought – fought !faIt? !fC"t?!fC"t? She fought with her grandparents. sich (mit jmdm.) streiten selfish !*selfIS? After the holidays she was more selfish. selbstsüchtig open-minded !EUpn*maIndId? She became more open-minded. aufgeschlossen Past events 4 description !dI*skrIpSn? Listen to the children’s descriptions of past events. Beschreibung (die) to correct sth. !kE*rekt? Correct the mistakes in the text. etw. korrigieren, etw. verbessern each !I"tS? There is one mistake in each story. jede, jeder, jedes already !C"l*redi? It was already getting dark when I was walking home. bereits suddenly !*s0dnli? I suddenly saw something that frightened me. plötzlich shadow !*SxdEU? It was only the shadow of a cat. Schatten (der) towards !tE*wC"dz? The shadow was coming towards me. in Richtung middle !*mIdl? In the middle of August we went on holiday. Mitte (die), Mittelto be on one’s way to sth. !On jC" *weI? My family and I were on our way to a theme park. unterwegs zu etw. sein theme park !*Ti"m pA"k? I was looking forward to the theme park. Themenpark (der) to shine !SaIn? The sun was shining, and it was a really hot day. scheinen [Sonne] slide !slaId? I wanted to go on all the slides. Rutsche (die) attraction !E*trxkSn? My sister was looking forward to the attractions. Attraktion (die) funny !f0ni? Suddenly our car made a funny noise. hier: seltsam to break down !breIk *daUn? The car made a loud noise and broke down. eine Panne haben side of the road !saId Ev DE *rEUd? Our car broke down at the side of the road. am Straßenrand tow truck (AE) !*tEU tr0k? We had to wait for the tow truck. Abschleppwagen (der) 146 Vocabulary one hundred and forty-six Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum de Verlags öbv