Grammar Unit 1 Past tense progressive and past tense simple What were you doing when it happened? Past tense progressive (continuing action) Past tense simple (short action) I was walking home We were having dinner when when I suddenly heard my name. my friend called. We use the past progressive for a continuing action, something that was happening in the past. Form: was/were + verb + ing We often use the past progressive for a continuing action in the past that was interrupted by a short action (past tense simple). What were you doing while something else was going on? Past tense progressive (continuing action) Past tense progressive (continuing action) What were you doing He was reading while while you were waiting? she was watching Tv? Unit 2 Present perfect tense (simple) We use the present perfect tense to talk about … … things that have been like that for some time. I’ve always hated maths. … things people have done in their lives. He has written a book, he has read more than 200 books and he has met three of his favourite authors. … things that have happened recently. She’s tired. She has just come home from work. When we use the present perfect tense, we don’t say when something happened, but we want to say that it has happened and that it’s still important for the present. PAST NOW Form: have + last form Signal words: ever, never, yet, already Have you ever been to the US? No, I’ve never been there. But I want to go! Have you done your homework yet? You’ve already asked me. I said yes! G1 " p. 11 G2 " p. 19 136 Grammar one hundred and thirty-six Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv