Prime Time 2, Coursebook

G1: Don’t speak with your mouth full! G2: (swallows his sandwich) Where are we going? G1: (rolls his eyes) We must get to it before they do! G2: Get to what? G1: The trunk, stupid, our trunk! Now hurry up! G2: Aw, let’s have lunch first. G1: Lunch!? You’re always hungry! G2: But it’s chicken mayo, mmm, want one? G1: Put that sandwich down! Gardener 2 stuffs the sandwich into his mouth. They both disappear under the castle wall. Phrasal verbs a) Read scene 3 again and find all the phrasal verbs. Copy them in your exercise book and find out their meaning. b) Find the phrasal verb used by each person. hang on Scene 4: Spotty is lost Listening Listen to scene 4 of the play. Inside the castle throne room. The TEACHER and the GUIDE are sitting having a sandwich for lunch. Guide: I wonder how the thieves got in?! I was the only person who had the combination. Teacher: It’s a mystery … TOM, AISHA and SUZY come in. Teacher: (shocked) Suzy! Your uniform! Suzy: I’m really sorry Miss, but – … Aisha: We’ve lost Spotty somewhere under the castle. Guide: My Spotty? Lost? Tom: He was chasing a butterfly and he went down a hole under the castle wall! Sound of Spotty barking from far below them: Arf! Arf! Suzy: Listen! He’s down there. Guide: Oh no, my poor little Spotty, Mummy’s coming, darling! They all rush off. 7 Grammar See 1 G 18 Phrasal verbs Let’s hang out in the park. I can’t log in. I’ve forgotten my password. G Tom Suzy Aisha 8 2.13 56yp9p 99 12 ninety-nine Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv