Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Scene 3: By the castle walls Listening Listen to scene 3 of the play. AISHA, TOM, SUZY and SPOTTY are by the castle walls. Aisha: Those gardeners said it was muddy here. But look, it’s not muddy at all. Suzy: Let’s sit by these bushes. The kids are getting out their sandwiches, so they don’t see Spotty go into an opening in the wall under some bushes. Aisha: (gets out her sandwiches) Cool! Chicken with mayonnaise, my favourite! Suzy: And I’ve brought cheese sandwiches. Aisha: What do you want to eat … Spot- …? Hey, where’s Spotty? Sound of Spotty barking from inside the wall. Suzy: He’s gone under that bush. Spotty! Come out! Sound of barking again. Tom: Hang on. It sounds like … he’s under the castle wall! We have to look for him. Aisha: Spotty, come out! Spotty! The kids do not see the GARDENERS enter to the left and hide behind some bushes. Suzy: One of us should go in there and find out what’s going on. Aisha: But it’s under the castle, Suzy! There’ll be spiders and bugs and … euch! Suzy: (rolls her eyes) Well you go Tom, you’re the boy! Go ahead! Tom: So?! Boys don’t like spiders and bugs either! Suzy: (sighs) Okay, I’ll go. Spotty, I’m coming to rescue you! Tom and Aisha watch Suzy go under the bushes. Pause. Aisha and Tom: (scared) S-suzy … are you … okay? A long pause Aisha: (scared, screams) S-suzy!? Switch on your phone! Suzy: (voice off) It’s dark – Oh yes, switch on my phone, good idea. Tom: Can you see Spotty? The sound of Spotty barking further inside the tunnels. Suzy: No, but I can hear him, there are underground tunnels everywhere! Pause … a few minutes later Suzy comes out. Her uniform is covered in dirt. Aisha: What about your uniform, Suzy?! Tom: Never mind her uniform! Poor Spotty’s lost in the tunnels! Suzy: We’d better go and tell the guide! Come on! Tom, Aisha and Suzy run back to the castle. The gardeners come out of some bushes. Gardener 2 starts to eat the sandwiches that the children have left behind. G1: (angry) Grr! Those kids are going to get the castle guide. Let’s go! (he starts climbing down into the hole under the bushes) G2: (his mouth is full) Ngh mph wogbmf? G1: What? G2: Ngh mph wogbmf? iw9n3j 6 2.12 px36d4 98 12 Unit Lost …and found – a play ninety-eight Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv