Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Scene 2: Outside Castle Aled Listening Listen to scene 2 of the play. GARDENER 1 (G1) and GARDENER 2 (G2) are arguing. G1: Yes, you did! // G1: Yes, you did! G2: No, I didn’t! // G2: No, I didn’t! The gardeners stop arguing as the GUIDE and the CLASS arrive and they start to pick up leaves. Guide: And these are the beautiful castle gardens! Now you’ve seen all of Castle Aled. I hope you enjoyed it … (sad) even without King Aled’s crown. Teacher and class: It was really interesting! / Thank you! / Thanks! Teacher: Now class, you’re free to have your picnic lunches in the castle gardens. Class: (all cheer) Yaay! / Cool! /A picnic lunch! / I’m starving! The children run away and scream loudly. Teacher: Keep your uniforms clean! Don’t let Mayflower School down …! (no one hears her) Guide: Come on, let’s go and have our lunch. TOM, AISHA and SUZY are trying to find a nice spot for their picnic. Tom: (opens the bag of his picnic lunch and smells) Mmm, salami sandwiches! SPOTTY smells the air and runs over to Tom. Suzy: Ha-ha, the guide’s dog has smelt your sandwiches! Aisha: Come on let’s have our picnic down there by the walls. Tom, Aisha and Suzy run over to the castle walls. G1: Hey! … er … Don’t go that way, you kids. Tom: Why not? G1: Well … it’s very muddy by those walls. It’s nicer over there. The kids are disappointed, but they start to go the way the gardener is pointing. Suddenly Spotty runs off towards the castle walls. Spotty: Arf ! Arf ! …Woof ! Woof ! Suzy: Look! Spotty’s chasing a butterfly! Tom, Aisha and Suzy chase Spotty. They’re laughing. G2: (worried) They’re going down to the castle walls …! G1: (angry) Grrr! Kids! The guide sees the gardeners. Guide: Why are you gardeners just standing there? Pick up those leaves! The gardeners slowly start to pick up the leaves. As the guide leaves, they follow the kids. Focus on form: Short answers Read scene 2 again and answer the questions below. Then check with your partner. 1. Did the gardeners have a fight?  Yes, they did. /  No, they didn’t. 2. Did the children have lunch inside the castle?  Yes, they did. /  No, they didn’t. 3. Did the children enjoy the castle tour?  Yes, they did. /  No, they didn’t. 4 2.11 i74g6e 5 97 12 ninety-seven Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv