Prime Time 2, Coursebook

The dumb show a) Look at the pictures below and put them in the correct order. 1 x5dg42 1 b) What is happening in each scene of the dumb show? Tick the statements below. In the dumb show above … one person is climbing on another one. there are three people doing something. a man is taking off his jacket. one man is hiding something special. two men are trying to steal something. two men are carrying away a heavy trunk. c) Find a partner and tell each other … • what you can see in the pictures above. • how the story could go on. Use the useful phrases from the box. Useful phrases Say what you like best and why: • There are two characters who … • In picture number … I can see … • Maybe they’re … • I think that there’s/there are … P 95 ninety-five Lost …and found – a play New things • Pronunciation !0? • Phrasal verbs • How to act out feelings Unit 12 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv