Prime Time 2, Coursebook

I want to feel safe Rap: Very good times a) Listen to the song and fill the gaps. Direct Connect: Please hold the line Please hold the line Tim: Hello? Hello? Is anybody there? Listen to me, it’s an emergency Direct Connect: These are very good times for very bad crimes And this is Direct Connect to the police How can we help you? Tell us please! Tim: Listen to me it’s an emergency I want to report a burglary Someone has broken 1 my windows Someone 2 my front door Someone 3 two eggs And I don’t know what for Direct Connect: These are very good times for very bad crimes … Tim: Someone 4 all my sweets And put all my stuff out onto the streets. Someone 5 my ceiling I can’t tell you how bad I’m feeling A burglary is stress, my house is a mess Now I’ve got to clean it, but not before you 6 it Listen to me, it’s an emergency Direct Connect: These are very good times for very bad crimes Tim: Listen to me Direct Connect: These are very good times for very bad crimes Tim: It’s an emergency Direct Connect: And this is Direct Connect to the police How can we help you? Tell us please! Tim: Listen to me Direct Connect: These are very good times for very bad crimes b) Some of you can take the part of “Direct Connect”, the police answer phone, and some can take the part of Tim. t3rv4n Please, hold the line … Beep, beep, beep … 6 2.9 92 11 Unit Crime ninety-two Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv