Prime Time 2, Coursebook

d) Vocabulary: Where can you do these activities? Write the activities in the correct boxes. build a sandcastle • go canoeing • go climbing • go hiking • go mountain biking • go parasailing • go shopping • go sightseeing • go skiing • go snorkelling • go sunbathing • go swimming • go to a museum • go to the theatre • go to the zoo • have a picnic • play beach volleyball • read a book • visit friends • watch birds sea/lake/river beach mountains city build a sandcastle Writing: a short message from the holidays Write a short message to a friend about the summer holidays. • Pick three activities from the green box above. • Write a short story for each activity: • Where was it? • How long did it last? • Who was there? • What happened? • How did you feel? • Write a message of 80–100 words. • Use the past tense. • Don’t forget to say hello and goodbye. 3 Useful phrases How long it lasted for one minute • for an hour • for half a day • for a few days • for a week How I felt angry • cold • bored • happy • hot • hungry • sad • scared • tired P 9 1 nine Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv