Prime Time 2, Coursebook

b) Write down what is wrong in the picture. Use negations. The man isn’t standing next to the escalator. He’s standing near the stairs. . . . . The store manager has more questions for Rebecca and Matt. She wants to know … • what the man put in his backpack. • where the man went after that. • if the man paid for the thing he put in his backpack. • what there was in his backpack. • if it is possible to leave the store without paying. • why the children are so sure the man was a shoplifter. c) Write down the questions. 1. What exactly did the man put in his backpack? 2. d) Listen to the audio again and try to find answers to the questions above. Write in your exercise book. e) Act out the dialogue between the store manager and Rebecca or Matt. f) Do you think the children really witnessed someone shoplifting? Why/Why not? Write your answers in your exercise book. I think the children …. Useful phrases What exactly did …? Do you know (for sure) where/if/what …? Are you sure that …? Did you …? Why are you sure …/do you think …? P 2.7 i563cw were right/not right • because • they saw/didn’t see but • were watching/weren’t watching • a shoplifter 89 11 eighty-nine Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv