Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Show what you can do 38ni4c What has happened? Think of the story about Jamie and Ollie and of every- thing you remember about Rudy. Answer the questions below. Choose the verb you need from the green box and use it in its correct form. 1. Why is Jamie in hospital now? Because he has had an accident. . 2. Why is his arm in a plaster cast? . 3. What has happened to his teeth? . 4. How are Jamie and Ollie now? Why are they smiling? Because Ollie . Now they are friends again. 5. What’s the matter with Rudy? He looks angry. Maybe he thinks someone . 6. Look at Rudy. He is smiling. Maybe . Writing: Your apology note Imagine you are one of the kids who have teased Moody Rudy. Now you are sorry about it. Write a note to him. Dear Rudy, I’m writing to tell you how very sorry 1 I am for what I’ve done to you. It was 2 of me to 3 . I know that you 4 with me. I hope that you 5 . I promise 6 . Yours, 10 have • lose • invite • break • give • eat • buy • apologise • throw • hide l m n I can say what has happened. 11 l m n I can write an apology note. 86 10 Unit Moody Rudy l = I’m very good at this. m = I can do this. n = I need help. eighty-six Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv