Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Writing: What Ollie is feeling after the accident a) Write down his thoughts. Use at least four of these expressions. Write four sentences in your exercise book. b) Complete Ollie’s apology note with some of the expressions from above. Sorry, Jamie. I am really sorry 1 , I was such an idiot. I just don’t know why I insisted that you should come with me to the car park. It was 2 of me to laugh at you and call you a scaredy cat. I know you were 3 with me. You didn’t want to be called a coward so you went down the ramp. The accident was a real shock for me. I ran away without helping you. I feel 4 for being such a silly coward. Pronunciation exercise a) Listen carefully and repeat. b) First, look at the first (green) line of the grid below. In each box you can see a sound in [ ] and a word that sounds like it. Then, listen to pronunciation exercise one and look at the solutions in line 1 of the grid. Next, listen to the rest and complete lines 2–4 of the grid. !ed? red !et? get !xt? rat !Cp? top !i:p? deep !ep? pepper !it? sit !i:t? eat !lait? light !0t? nut 1. bed bet bat 2. 3. 4. 8 Tip How to use intensifiers Instead of saying very unfair you can say really unfair You can use very or really with almost all adjectives. but NOT with wrong ! You say absolutely wrong. T very/really angry very/really lucky very/really sorry very/really/extremely unfair absolutely wrong very/really/totally ashamed very/really/completely stupid 9 2.5 j7ti9j 2.6 nh8fz2 85 10 eighty-five Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv