Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Feeling great Reading: A daredevil’s story a) Read the beginning of the story. I didn’t want to go with Ollie that day after school. But I didn’t want to look like a scaredy cat. So, in the end, I went with him. To be honest, I was scared. It looked dangerous. And now here I am in hospital with a broken arm. … The doctor said, “Jamie, you were really lucky”. Here’s how it happened. b) Now do the exercise below. Circle the answer you think is right. 1. Where do you think the boys went after school? a) to the bridge b)  to the church tower c) to the car park 2. What do you think they did there? a) climbing b) skateboarding c)  bungee jump- ing 3. Why did Jamie go with Ollie? a) He was bored. b)  Ollie was his best friend. c)  He didn’t want to be a coward. 4. How did Jamie feel? a) He was fright- ened. b) He felt great. c) He was angry. c) Read on and find out if your answers in 7b were right. Correct them in a different colour. You see, Ollie had a new skateboard. He wanted to try it out in the multi-storey car park. “They have these cool ramps there,” he said. “They’re really steep! Bring your board and we’ll go there after school.” “Cool,” I said, but it sounded dangerous to me. “… Isn’t skateboarding illegal in a car park?” “Yeah, duh,” he laughed at me. “But who cares, it’s wicked! … You’re not scared, are you?” I didn’t want Ollie to think I was a coward. So that day after school, I went with him. At first, I just watched Ollie on his skateboard. He was right. The ramps were really steep. You could go so fast! But it was frightening too. “Wow, it feels fantastic!” shouted Ollie. “Hey, are you just going to stand there and watch me, Jamie? It’s your turn now.” I was terrified as I stood at the top of the big steep ramp. My knees were shaking and my heart was beating fast! I got on my board. “Go on, scaredy cat!” shouted Ollie. I felt really angry with him for making me do this. I pushed off my skateboard … Suddenly I was going so fast. Ollie was right, it was so much fun …! Just then a car appeared on the ramp, it came from nowhere! The driver didn’t see me, and I couldn’t stop my skateboard …WHAM!! I went straight into the side of the car. I don’t remember anything else until I woke up in this hospital bed. My arm is in a plaster cast, and I’ve lost a front tooth. Everything really hurts. Ollie came to see me yesterday. His face was red and he didn’t look me in the eye. “I’m a real idiot,” he said. “I made you do that crazy stuff.” “Well, we’re both idiots,” I said. “Because I didn’t have to listen to you.” s736b9 7 5 5 10 15 20 84 10 Unit Moody Rudy eighty-four Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv