Prime Time 2, Coursebook

b) Read these answers and match them with the e-mails. What can I do? Some of your friends have problems and need help. Give them your advice. You should/shouldn’t I would (I’d)/I wouldn’t You could Try to (not to) Why don’t you talk to someone • tell someone about sth. • ignore sth. • ask him/her why • invite him/her to play with you • get in touch with sb. • concentrate on sth. • compare yourself with sb. • blame sb. for sth. • spread rumours about sb. • write an e-mail to sb. • worry about sth. • apologise • 1. Florian wants to have a tattoo. His parents are against it. I’d ask them why they are against it. 2. Neda wants to invite some friends for a sleepover. Her parents are against it. . 3. Reza never joins the other kids in their games. He feels lonely. . 4. Daisy can run faster than Ralph. Ralph can’t accept that and treats her unfairly. . 5. Tilda thinks her best friend doesn’t keep secrets. . 6. Doran is posting nasty things about Hikmet. We feel sorry for Hikmet. . 7. Belinda has found out that her best friends are going to the music festival in town without her. She is deeply hurt. . Don’t worry, you are just a little shy. Try not to compare yourself with the others. 1 I would just ignore it all and concentrate on my school work. 3 Why don’t you tell the teacher about your friends’ plans? 2 I think you should tell your mum and dad about what’s going on so they can get in touch with your classmate’s parents. 4 6 83 10 eighty-three Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv