Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Asking for help E-mails to Agony Aunt Agatha a) Read the e-mails to Agatha and match them with the answers 1–4 on the next page. There is one answer that does not fit. q6c8fn 5 To: Agatha Date: 6 April | 18:05 Subject: Help! Dear Agatha, All the other children in my class talk about me behind my back. Last week I heard my best friend say I was a stupid cow because I didn’t want to join them in playing a trick on our music teacher. Now they don’t talk to me, they don’t even look at me. I feel really stupid. What can I do? Yours, Melanie A To: Agatha Date: 6 April | 21:42 Subject: Rumours Dear Agatha, There’s a boy in my class who is spreading rumours about me. Ronnie tells everybody that I stole his maths test, that I threw it away. That is absolutely wrong. I swear I never touched his test! The problem is that everybody blames me because Ronnie can’t find his test. Even the teachers are beginning to think that I’m lying. This gossip is making me go crazy. What can I do? Yours, Fred C To: Agatha Date: 6 April | 15:45 Subject: I’m ugly Dear Agatha, When Gina and I go out together to meet the other kids from the block, she is always in the centre. Everybody talks only to her, but nobody looks at me. The reason is Gina looks really good. She is very attractive. But I’m ugly. I’m too tall and skinny. I feel absolutely awful when I’m with other kids. I just want to hide from everybody. I’m terribly unhappy. What can I do about it? Yours, Sally B 82 10 Unit Moody Rudy eighty-two Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv