Prime Time 2, Coursebook

What has happened? Why is Rudy in a bad mood? a) Listen to the dialogues. b) Listen again and answer the questions below. Fill in the gaps with the words from the green box. 1. Why is Rudy in a bad mood? Because Roy and Tim have hidden his trainers. 2. Why is his lunch box empty? Because someone all his sandwiches. 3. Why is his mobile broken? Because somebody it on the floor and on it. 4. Why is he happy now? Because Tessa him to her party. 5. Why is he feeling proud now? Because . c) Make your own sentences with the words you haven’t used. Class interview: Why are you sad? a) Study the dialogues below with a partner. 1. A: What’s the matter, Rita? B: I feel really sad. A: What has happened? B: I’ve lost my ring. A: Oh dear. Poor you. 2. A: You look confused, Andy. B: Yes. I am, actually. A: What’s happened? B: Corinna has smiled at me and I don’t know what that means. A: Oh, I see. 5vr5tc ??? 2 2.2 d6b78q has painted • has thrown • has invited • have hidden • haven’t eaten • has eaten • haven’t seen • has jumped Grammar See 1 G 17 What has happened? Present perfect tense for present result Form: HAVE , HAS I’ ve /I have (not) He’ s /He has (not) + LAST FORM of the verb taken your sandwiches. hidden my school things. Meaning: You can see/hear/feel, … the result of a past action NOW . I’ ve /I have eaten too many ice creams. She’ s /She has broken my pen. I haven’t slept long enough. He hasn’t bought me a present. Now I feel sick. Now I can’t use it. Now I’m tired. Now I’m disappointed. G 3 80 10 Unit Moody Rudy eighty Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv