Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Safety first Kate and her dad have to take care. a) Complete the sentences with the correct word. Changing the light bulb 1. The chair is a) wobbling. b) falling. c) shocking. 2. Don’t put your a) head b) finger c) foot in the bulb socket. 3. You could get an electric a) flash. b) shock. c) hit. 4. Go and turn the a) power b) TV c) music off, please. Putting some oil on the bathroom door 5. Be careful you don’t a) point b) fall c) catch your finger. 6. Make sure you don’t spill the oil. It is really a) slippy. b) strong. c) hot. Mending mum’s pillow 7. Never a) make b) point c) give the tip towards your eyes. 8. Make sure you don’t a) hit b) cut c) prick your finger. b) Work together with a partner. Act out a short dialogue for each of the scenes from the film. 1. Changing the light bulb 2. Putting some oil on the bathroom door 3. Repairing Mum’s pillow 9 77 9 seventy-seven Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv