Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Dangers at home Video: Mending things around the house Kate and her dad decide to mend some things around the house. a) What do they want to do? Make six sentences with the sentence generator. Kate and her dad want to change dust fix paint put some oil mend wash mum’s pillow the car on the door the desk a light bulb the lights the walls in Kate’s room. in the bathroom. in the bedroom. in the garage. in the kitchen. in the living room. in the study. 1. Kate and her dad want to mend mum’s pillow in the living room. 2. . 3. . 4. . 5. . 6. . 7. . b) Watch the video and find out: Which things do Kate and her dad really mend? Tick T (= true) or F (= false). T F 1. change a light bulb  2. dust the lights 3. fix the desk 4. paint the walls 5. put some oil on the door 6. mend mum’s pillow 7. wash the car c) Which things can you mend around the house? In pairs, tell each other about it. I can change a light bulb, but I can’t paint the walls. 3r2y3z 8 9 –10 76 9 Unit Life is dangerous seventy-six Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv