Prime Time 2, Coursebook

What the kids were doing wrong The two police officers were watching the children. Complete their report below. 3 A car stopped right in front of him. • A police officer stopped her. • She fell over. • She tripped over a dog lead. • The ball landed in the street. • The traffic lights changed to red. Name Time What were they doing? What happened? Maude 07:53 She was trying to get off the bus quickly. She fell over. Cathy 07:55 Troy 07:58 Hannah 08:02 Spencer 08:04 Carlo 08:10 Speaking: What the police officers saw After watching these dangerous situations, the two police officers come to school and tell the children what they saw. You are a police officer: make sentences about what the children were doing wrong. Maude, at 7:53 we saw you on the school bus. You were trying to get off the bus when you fell over. 4 Grammar See 1 G 15 What were you doing when it happened? Past tense progressive Past tense simple A: What were you doing when you fell over? B: I was trying to get off the bus. A: What was Mum doing when the fire broke out? B: She was playing cards with Granny. G 73 9 seventy-three Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv