Prime Time 2, Coursebook

c) Look at the grammar box and change the instructions from 5a in the same way. 1. You mustn’t carry a backpack with a metal frame. 2. 3. 4. How to behave in an earthquake Complete the instructions using the expressions in the green box. 1. If you are driving in a car when an earthquake happens, stop as quickly as possible and in the car until the earthquake is over. 2. If you get caught in an earthquake when you are outdoors, run back to your home. try to find shelter under a bridge. Most bridges aren’t earthquake-safe. where you are and wait until the shaking is over. 3. If you are at home, hide under a piece of furniture like a table. that you cover your face with a t-shirt or a towel. Dirty air is not good for your lungs. turn on any electrical equipment. Pronunciation exercise a) Listen and repeat. b) Highlight the part of the word that is stressed. ARCHAEOLOGIST EARTHQUAKE-SAFE ELECTRICAL IMMEDIATELY DEVASTATING IMPORTANT HOTEL ERUPTION Grammar See 1 G 14 Don’t Instead of saying: Don’t use your phone during a thunderstorm. Mustn’t You can say: You mustn’t use your phone during a thunderstorm. G 6 don’t (3x) stay (2x) make sure stop try to 7 1.33 92s6yu 67 8 sixty-seven Nur zu Prüfzw cken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv