Prime Time 2, Coursebook

What happened to them? a) Read the article. Find and highlight the following expressions. b) Go back to task 2a: Weather extremes around the world. Find and highlight similar expressions there. c) Then copy the sentences from 2a and 3a in your exercise book. d) Write a report of a natural disaster of about 60 to 80 words like in 3a. In your text answer the following questions: • What happened? • Where did it happen? • Was anybody hurt? • How were they rescued? Disaster in Pompeii Listen to the audio and circle a), b) or c). 1. The disaster happened in a) Greece. b) Italy. c) Romania. 2. It happened in the year a) 80 BC. b) 97 AD. c) 79 AD. 3. Before the disaster, rich people spent a) the summer in Rome. b) the summer in Pompeii. c) the winter in Pompeii. 4. In the eruption a) lots of ash and rock shot out of the volcano. b) millions of people were killed. c) l ots of buildings were destroyed. 5. The people in Pompeii a) didn’t know what earthquakes were. b) didn’t know where Vesuvius was. c) didn’t believe that an eruption was coming. 6. In the 18 th century archaeologists found a) people who were still alive. b) intact buildings and paintings. c) nothing. 3 Useful phrases What happened to them? They were taken to hospital. He was found under masses of snow. Additional information: She was struck by a flash of lightning . They were rescued by some pupils . P was found was hit were buried France, 7 March: The popular ski resort of Tignes was hit by an ava- lanche which came down on a busy slope. Many people, among them families with young children, were buried in the snow. In very bad weather conditions with strong winds and thick fog, rescue workers and sniffer dogs looked for missing people. After the search operations, everybody was found. 4 Info BC = “Before Christ”; AD = after the birth of Christ (AD means “Anno Domini” in Latin) i 1.32 xy9r29 65 8 sixty-five Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv