Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Show what you can do 6he3tu Reading: Pocket money a) Read Melissa’s posting on the internet. Hi, my name’s Melissa and I’m twelve years old. Today I’d like to tell you about pocket money. I get twenty dollars a month. For me, that’s okay. My older brother gets thirty, but he’s also two years older. Sometimes, my parents ask me to help around the house so that I can earn extra money. For example I water the plants in the living room and in the kitchen. We have different plants and I have to know how much water every plant needs and when I have to water it. I also feed our cat Roger in the morning and in the evening. I love Roger, so this is not a hard job for me. Sometimes Dad asks me to take the trash out, but I don’t like to do that because it stinks! In the summer, I mow our lawn once a month. We have a big garden, so it takes me half a day. In the winter, my brother and I shovel the snow in the street in front of the house. When we are finished, we often have a snowball fight and that’s the best thing of all! b) Circle the correct answers. 1. How much pocket money does Melissa get? a) She doesn’t get any. b) She gets $20 pounds a month. c) S he gets $30 pounds a month. 2. Why does her brother get more pocket money? a) He helps around the house more. b) The parents like him more. c) He is older. 3. How often does Melissa water the plants? a) whenever they need water b) once a week c) every morning 4. Why doesn’t Melissa like to take the trash out? a) because it’s so heavy b) because it smells c) b ecause it’s dirty 5. What do Melissa and her brother do after shovelling the snow? a) have a snowball fight b) build an igloo c) build a snowman Speaking: What I do with my pocket money Interview a classmate and find out what they do with their pocket money. 11 l m n I can understand an internet posting on pocket money. 12 l m n I can ask and answer questions about pocket money. 62 7 Unit Money l = I’m very good at this. m = I can do this. n = I need help. sixty-two Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv