Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Speaking: Four endings Here are four different endings for the story. Which do you like best? 1. 2. The kids donated the money to a charity for sick animals. The kids handed the money in to the police station. After six weeks the police told them they could keep the money. 3. 4. The kids went to a fast food restaurant and paid for their favourite burger with the money. Max bought a new computer game for himself. I like ending … best because … . My favourite is ending … because … . I think ending … is the best/worst because … . Ending … is the best/worst one because … . 1. it wasn’t their money • they did something good with it • charities for sick animals need a lot of money • they helped others • … 2. it was the right thing to do • the police tried to find the person who lost the money • they couldn’t keep the money • the police knew what to do • … 3. they did something together • they had no idea who had lost the money anyway • they had a good time together • … 4. he found the money • he was lucky • he didn’t have enough money for the game anyway • … Focus on form: good – better – best; bad – worse – worst What would you do if you found money in the street? Make sentences with “better” and “best” or “worse” and “worst”. It’s better to hand it in to the police than to keep it. It’s worse to keep the money than to leave it in the street. 9 10 ask in a shop who lost it leave it in the street keep the money hand it in to the police donate it to charity Grammar See 1 G 13 Good and bad good – better than – the best bad – worse than – the worst G 61 7 sixty-one Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv