Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Kelly, Jenny and Max were on their way to the park. Suddenly Max noticed something on the ground. It looked like … money. He picked it up. “Look, it’s a twenty-pound note!” The girls rushed over to see it. “Oh my God,” said Kelly, “That’s a lot of money!” “Yeah, it’s four weeks of my pocket money,” added Jenny. The two girls looked up and down the street. But they couldn’t see the person who had dropped it. “What do we do with it?” the girls asked. “We?” answered Max. “I found it, and I’m going to keep it, of course. Finders keepers.” Max put the money in his pocket. Finders keepers? Reading: A story a) Read the story. az6ny9 8 “Hey, that’s not right, someone’s dropped that money,” Jenny said. “Maybe an old pensioner needs it …” “So how are you going to find out who it belongs to?” asked Max. “We could ask in that supermarket over there,” Kelly suggested. “Just walk in and say, ‘Hey did anybody lose £20?’” laughed Max. “Half the customers will say it’s theirs. Who would you believe?” “Hmmm,” thought Kelly. “Maybe we could just leave it on that wall,” Jenny suggested, “You know like when you find a glove someone has dropped …?” 5 10 15 20 25 b) Who did what? Match the names and sentences. 1. The three kids found money on the ground. 2. Max thought it was not okay to keep the money. 3. The girls 1 were walking to the park. 4. Jenny wanted to look for the owner in the supermarket nearby. 5. Kelly tried to find the person who had lost the money. c) Who is right? What do you think? I think it’s okay to keep the money. – I think the kids should … . 60 7 Unit Money sixty Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv