Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Listening: In the bank a) Complete the missing words. Manager: Good morning, how can I help 1 you? Priscilla: Good morning. I’d like to 2 a bank account. Manager: Right, if you would just like to fill in these forms. I would need some identification. Priscilla: Here’s my passport. Can I 3 some money into my new account today? Manager: Yes, when the account is opened you can deposit money straight away. It will just take five minutes. Priscilla: Great, thanks. Manager: There you are, everything is set up. Could you please 4 to one of the cashiers at the front of the bank to deposit your money? Priscilla: Thanks, I will. b) Listen to the dialogue and check your answers. c) Put the dialogue in the right order. 1 Cashier: Next please. Cashier: Okay, we’re done. The money should be in your account by tomorrow. Is there anything else I can help you with? Cashier: No problem, the account number is okay. This will just take a moment. Cashier: Right. Could you give me your account details, please? Priscilla: Yes, here is my account number. I don’t have a bank card yet. Priscilla: Good morning, I’d like to pay twenty pounds into my account, please. Priscilla: Thank you. Priscilla: No thanks. That’s all. Bye. d) Listen and check your answers. Speaking: We care for your money Act out similar dialogues in the bank. Take turns! 4 go help open pay 1.28 t3xn7y 1.29 up5u4w 5 Word bank amount of money • pay money into an/ my/… account • save up • withdraw money from an/my/… account W 57 7 fifty-seven Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv