Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Fact or fiction? A farewell party a) Read the newspaper article. b) Compare the picture with the newspaper article and underline the things that are different in the text. p4pe47 7 5 10 15 20 25 30 UFO sighting in Lyndhurst, Hampshire Last night Kelly and Bert Lansing reported a UFO sighting to the police. They couldn’t believe what they saw. In the middle of the village green there was a flat object that looked like a huge pancake with a circle of flickering lights moving around it. To their surprise about a hundred weird creatures flew out of it and moved across the green towards a group of children from the local school. What happened next really shocked Kelly and Bert. The weird creatures started boxing and fighting. The children screamed in fear. They tried to run away to be safe, but they couldn’t because the aliens were much faster and really aggressive. In the end, they all fell to the ground com- pletely exhausted. Then, a few seconds later there was a flash of lightning so dazzling bright that it almost blinded Kelly and Bert. When they finally opened their eyes again, they only saw spots of burnt grass. The aliens and the children were all gone. What did the Lansings really see? Did they tell the truth? We just wonder … Dear readers, help us find out what really happened. Our local police would be very grateful to get as much information as possible about this event. 52 6 Unit Aliens fifty-two Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv