Prime Time 2, Coursebook

d) What do the children want to know? Write down three questions. e) Write down the aliens’ answers to your questions. “One last question, children,” the teacher says. A girl puts up her hand. “Was there anything that frightened you?” “Oh yes!” say Saxo and Xylo with a smile. “Music.” “What?!” The children can’t believe it. “Yes, music. You see, we don’t have it. We’re not familiar with this kind of sound,” Xylo tries to explain. “So we have something in common,” Saxo says “We were afraid of music and you were afraid of us, right?” The children nod their heads. They agree. Now Xylo turns to Chris and Lena, “Why weren’t YOU afraid when we came flying into your classroom?” “Because we knew you. We met you yesterday,” Lena says. “And spoke to you. Now we know who you are,” Chris adds. f) Describe the end of the story. At the end of the lesson g) What is the meaning of the story? Choose the best answer. 1. Not all aliens are bad. 2. You shouldn’t be afraid of music. 3. You fear what you don’t know. 4. Visitors from outer space are welcome. 51 6 fifty-one Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv