Prime Time 2, Coursebook

Fashion and style Reading: Favourite clothes and fashion a) Read the children’s statements on fashion and their favourite clothes. 1. Florencia: I love fashion and I love my polka-dot dress. It’s turquoise and it has white dots. In the middle, there’s a yellow ribbon. That looks fashionable. Another piece of clothing that I like a lot is my brown woolen jacket. It looks a bit retro, but it’s the outfit I like best. It’s very important to me that I have trendy clothes. 2. Iris and Rufus: We don’t worry about being fashionable and we never think about what to wear. Our favourite piece of clothing is blue jeans – they’re timeless. We also like pullovers and we love animal prints like zebras or giraffes. Most of the time we wear the same things, but sometimes our taste in fashion is a bit different. 3. Howie: I like to have the latest fashion. My favourite clothes are green shorts and orange sneakers. They’re so trendy. The T-shirt I like best is yellow. Fashion is very important to me, but I don’t care what other people are wearing. I think people should wear what they want to wear. b) Look at the underlined words and phrases in the texts above and find out what they mean. c) Read the statements again. Then decide who said what and write the first letter of the name(s) (F/I/R/H). 1. This person likes fashion very much. F/H 2. This person doesn’t care what other people wear. 3. This person loves denim jeans. 4. This person wants to have trendy clothes. 5. This person likes animals printed on their shirts. 6. This person thinks that blue jeans are timeless. pu75s7 4 42 5 Unit It’s all about fashion forty-two Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv